Zhu Chiniao hovered in the sky, but did not deal with the python immediately.Passionate picture feast
"Why are you soft-hearted, it has chased people here, do you think it will be any kind?"

Feng Qining plucked a feather from the vermilion bird's head, and the vermilion bird neighed in pain, even in the daytime, the cry was very shrill.

"What's your name? I'll tell you. If you don't solve it, I'll rip your hair off."

Zhu Chiniao didn't dare to be negligent, and swooped down, the boa constrictor saw that its boss didn't intend to let him go, swiped its tail, and even swiped towards the big man, it wanted to burn everything. [

Don't let it go, it will always bring someone to be buried with it, right?

The aunt was so frightened that she screamed and passed out. Just as Feng Qining was about to make a move, Murong Li's figure flashed and dragged the big man aside, and the python swept away.

The vermilion bird called again, which was different from the previous one. This cry was a little heavy, and it made people feel heavy. During the cry of the vermilion bird, the boa constrictor bent down, and it was about to move again. At that moment, the vermilion bird's claws grabbed it, flew high into the air, and then threw it down.

I don't know if Zhu Chiniao did it on purpose, but the python just fell in front of Lan Se and the others, and the blood of the python splashed on them.

Looking at the blood on his body, and then at the vermilion bird that came down, Lan Se threw the aunt into Zhou Qing's arms, and then ran to the vermilion bird.

"Son, what's the matter with you? What happened to you?"

What's the matter with him?It wasn't this person who did it, Lan Se followed Feng Qining's example and plucked out a feather of the vermilion bird, and the vermilion bird had a big mouth and wanted to bite him.

"□□, shut your mouth"

Woohoo, why doesn't the master help it?Did she know that its feathers were very difficult to grow, and they managed to grow one, but they actually plucked two in a day, and if it continued like this, its feathers would soon be gone.

"Why did I become like this, it's not a good thing it did"

Lan Se looked at the smashed boa constrictor, and actually admired the vermilion bird in his heart. It took such a big boa constrictor to grab it and break it, how much strength it took.

Feng Qining looked at the shattered boa constrictor in the center of the ground, and then at those stunned people, she was considering whether to wake them up.

When she was thinking about this issue, Zhou Qing suddenly yelled. It seemed that she didn't need to do anything now. Zhou Qing's scream would probably wake up all these people.

"This, what is this?"

Jing Sheng pointed at the thing that stopped on Feng Qining's shoulder, he really couldn't believe that the huge monster that was above the sky just now would stand on Feng Qining's shoulder.

Zhu Chiniao glared at Jing Sheng angrily, he is the thing, she is Zhu Chiniao, why are they all so ignorant?

Murong Li pinched the aunt's eyes, and the aunt woke up from the coma.

"Ma'am, he's fine"

Murong Li looked at the sluggish look of the aunt, and pointed at the big man, and the aunt rushed towards the big man crying. [

"You kill a thousand knives, you scared me to death, do you know, you almost died"

The aunt beat the big man, and the big man let her hit him. After punching a few times, he didn't know where the aunt hit him, and the big man let out a muffled snort.


"How? Where are you hurt? Let me see"

The aunt was impatient, and she wanted to take off the big man's clothes regardless of Feng Qining's group was still here.

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