"You two bastards, what are you thinking? I'm just going to be the master of ceremonies, wrong, I'm just going to be the ceremonial officer"

She really did it, Murong Li understood it, but Lan Se was surprised.Passionate picture feast
"Singer of the ceremony? What is the official of the ceremony?"

Feng Qining spoke out her thoughts, and Lan Se came to such a conclusion after hearing it: "Mother, are you crazy?"

Would Feng Qining, who had such an idea, be too boring?He had never heard her have such an outrageous idea before. [

"You're crazy, I'm normal"

Feng Qining knocked on Lancer, this person, what she said was really unpleasant, what did she call crazy, she was very normal, she just thought that such an experience might be very interesting, that's why she came up with such an idea.

She can't be troubled by others in the bridal chamber, she has never been in the tragedy of other people's bridal chamber.

"But mother, if you dress like this, will you compare to that bride?"

Lan Se looked at Feng Qining, it wasn't that he wouldn't let her go, but that she had never done such a thing before, did she understand?She didn't understand that they were the only ones in trouble.

"The bride is covered with a hijab, and people can't see what she looks like, so how can I compare her?"

But she is dressed like this, and everyone's eyes are all on her. Doesn't this compare the bride invisibly?

"Okay, you can go if you want, but isn't it at night to get married? Are you dressed like this now? Is it too early?"

Murong Li sized her up. In fact, he didn't want Feng Qining to dress up like this. Does she know how attractive she is like this? She should only be seen by him. Regarding her beauty, he doesn't want to Let others see a little bit.

"What do you know? I'm going to study now, how to be a good singer"

"Going to learn now? Mother, you are really special"

What Lan Se said was very weird, Feng Qi stared at him: "What do you mean I only learn it now? According to my intelligence, I can learn it in half a day."

It's just shouting a few words, doesn't she know how?These people really underestimated her.

"Hey, where is this girl going to go?"

Zhang Kai's teasing words came from the side, Feng Qining looked at these people, they were really in agreement, she was just going to be a ceremonial official, did she get in the way of them?

"I'm going to remarry"

Feng Qining raised her head and said this, Murong Li glanced at her, Feng Qining lowered her head.

She was just joking, does he have to take it seriously?

"Miss Feng, did you finish it so quickly?"

Zhou Qing looked at her in amazement. Feng Qining, who was wearing a red dress, inadvertently became more charming and less glamorous.

"Yeah, it's just that the headgear is a bit heavy, so I plan to wait until the time to wear it"

Feng Qining looked at the headdress in her hand, the silver on it was shining silver from a distance.

People in the village said that these are things left by their ancestors for generations, and they are regarded as family heirlooms, even if they are not eaten, they cannot be sold.

Their thinking made Feng Qining feel that they were a bit pedantic, they would leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood, they refused to be flexible, their lives were gone, so what else?

“This is so beautiful”

Zhou Qing took the headgear from Feng Qining's hand, because she didn't expect it to be so heavy, and the moment she got it, she staggered.

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