"I can't blame you for this matter. Those people are too greedy. They want to rob you."

The lack of blame from those villagers made Feng Qining feel a little more guilty. It was her. If it wasn't for her refusal to leave, these things probably wouldn't have happened.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"Okay, I don't have anything to give you, this money is a little bit of my heart"

Feng Qining took out most of the money she had and forced it into the hands of those villagers. With this money, they would not have to worry about it for the rest of their lives.

Seeing the backs of Feng Qining's group, the villagers knelt down. [

"Mother, they kneel down on us again"

Lan Se glanced back, his tone couldn't be heard, Feng Qining said that kneeling is for the dead, she is not dead yet, she doesn't need others to kneel.

I don't know where she learned these words, but Lan Se generally has no doubts about Feng Qining's words.

"Kneel, just kneel, who told you to look back"

Feng Qining replied a little sickly, originally she wanted to wait for the passing merchants to pass by, they had a ride, but after waiting for two days, there was no one, let alone a car.

"Feng loves money"

Murong Li guessed, Feng Qining gave him a weak look, and what she said was that look, which made Murong Li a little confused.

Isn't she still thinking about that?

"It's happened, don't think about it so much, you don't want to be like this, right?"

He thought she was still thinking about that?Although she still feels guilty, but now there are more important things than that.

"I was wondering when the car would come"

When Feng Qining said this, they all breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that she was thinking about this matter. Although this matter was small, it was a very real matter.

"I think there will be a car after walking for a while"

Jing Sheng also looked to the two sides, and his horse neighed at this moment. Hearing the horse bray, everyone glanced at it, and they didn't understand why it barked at this moment.

"Does it agree with your statement?"

"That's natural. This horse has followed me for many years, so it can understand what I say."

Speaking of this, Jing Sheng was very proud, this horse was the one he had been with for the longest time, as long as he made a gesture, it knew what he meant.

"Okay, it doesn't matter whether it understands you or not. What I want to know most now is when a car will come. If you continue walking like this in this kind of weather, it will kill you."

Feng Qining raised her head to look at the sky, then looked at Yichu worriedly, Murongli said that he had better lie down for two more days to recover his strength, now that he has not recovered his strength, he will come out, will his body Too much? [

"At this moment, how much I want to turn into a ball"

Looking up at the sky, Lancer suddenly said something like this, everyone looked at him incomprehensibly, can he solve this problem by turning into a ball in this weather?

"I think you should turn into a dark cloud, so that it can still shade you."

Yichu pointed to the sky, and Lancer glared at him: "Only the dead will turn into dark clouds"

"Then what's the use of turning into a ball? I think you should summon a carriage, it's still a little bit more useful."

Feng Qining patted him with her paw, and Lan Se looked at her sadly, did she think he knew magic tricks?Change?If he could change, he would have changed long ago.

"Become a ball and roll"

Zhang Kai looked at Lan Ser suddenly for a while.

"If he wants to roll, he can roll without turning into a ball"

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