"It's good to have you lying down, and you still care about so much, you almost died, and you still care about lying there by yourself. A feast of passionate pictures
People don't feel it when they are dead, even if they lie on the yellow mud, they still care so much.

"But now that we are awake, we are conscious, so naturally we have to worry about it."

Zhang Kai also took a sip of water, he really never imagined that one day he would be lying on such a place.

Feng Qining glanced at Zhu Chiniao, Zhu Chiniao flapped its wings, and the room was immediately filled with dust. [

"Ahem, Feng, what are you doing?"

Is she doing whatever she wants because she has helpers?

"Aren't you going to clean it? I'm asking you to clean it up for me."

The vermilion bird tried its best to look like a dog, but in its heart, it didn't look like a dog at all. Does it have such beautiful feathers?Is it as high as it flies?

Regardless of whether you look at it horizontally or vertically, □□ is not even comparable to its feathers, but who made Feng Qining its owner? If she said it was called □□, then it should be called □□.

"It's not cleaning."

Yichu fanned the dust in front of his face with his hand, he could imagine his current appearance without looking in the mirror, it must be disgraced.

"That's how it's cleaned."

Feng Qining said casually, she touched Zhu Chiniao's feathers with her hands, Zhu Chiniao rubbed her face with her hands, Feng Qining enjoyed this feeling very much, she likes Zhu Chiniao's feathers the most .

"If it wasn't for your usefulness, I would have plucked your feathers and sold them for a good price."

Zhu Chiniao rubbed her head even more attentively, she really loves money, she actually hit her idea on its feathers.

"Don't keep looking at it, let's see what to do."

Jing Sheng looked outside, it was a bit of a delay, it was dark again.

"We are in such a hurry, I don't know when we can go back"

Zhou Qing also expressed his worry. Now that so many people want their lives, there are traps everywhere. This accidental life may be gone. If this continues, I don't know if I can go home.

"Didn't we spread the news? Why are those people still chasing us?"

Feng Qining frowned. When they went out, they obviously spread the news. Didn't those people tell others the news?

"I'm also surprised. Logically speaking, those people should have spread the news. Why do they still come to us?"

Murong Li also frowned, this is really a strange thing. [

"It should be what you said, Feng. You said that the gold medal is on you, so those people also came to hunt us down."

Yi Chu analyzed, he thought of what Feng Qining said before, if someone hadn't said it, they probably wouldn't have come to hunt them down.

"But the previous news has confused them. They shouldn't be able to tell which one is true and which one is false. Even if someone hunts them down, there shouldn't be so many of them."

Jing Sheng agreed with Feng Qining that even if someone came to chase them down, they would definitely not come so many, there must be something wrong in some link.

"Why don't I throw this gold medal away"

Feng Qining took out the gold medal, this thing is really a hot potato, carrying it is like carrying a death talisman, there is a possibility of losing one's life at any time.

"Why did you throw it away? Do you think they will let us go if you throw it away?"

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