The family broke up, the childhood sweethearts disappeared, Zhou Qing really felt a lot of feelings in his heart. He thought that the hard days would be over when he returned home, but he didn't expect such a scene when he returned home. www>


Zhou Qing stood up, one after another things made her strong, and now her family has become like this, if she is not strong, it will really be over.

At night, Lancer and Yichu are running around the roof, why are they the only two?Because only one was saved, there was no need for everyone to come out.

Yichu's injury was just right, Feng Qining originally disapproved of him coming out, but he insisted on running out, so he recovered, Feng Qining had nothing to do with him, so she let him out. [

"There are so many people, who are they?"

Seeing from the roof that each cell is locked up with gangs of people, Lancer is angry and depressed at the same time.

Even if someone told him that he couldn't find where that person was imprisoned, how could he stand in the middle of the cell openly, imitate Feng Qining, with his hands on his hips, and roar.

"Are we going to find them one by one?"

When will this be found?

"You are really a second, let's find someone to ask if you are okay."

Yi Chu despises Lan Se, this person was quite smart originally, but Feng Qi Ning scolded him for being stupid and always doing stupid things.

"You can try it"

Lancer folded his arms leisurely, did he think he didn't ask?But those jailers don't know, unless they can ask the prison boss, but will the prison boss be here at this time?

Those jailers probably don't know how many people are imprisoned here, and asking them is all in vain.

"Didn't you say that he was not injured? Then let's look for the one who is not injured."

Yichu also frowned, not to mention that they didn't have portraits, even if they had portraits, it would be hard to find so many people.

Could it be that they really want to learn Feng Qining's trick?

Lancer and Yichu began to search below.

"I seem to see a dark shadow"

Someone pointed at the top, those people looked up, but there was nothing.

"You might as well just say you saw a ghost"

The person who felt that he had been deceived slapped the speaker on the head. The person looked up and saw Lancer's grimacing face. He screamed in fright, and the person who had just turned around was startled by him.

"Ghosts, there really are ghosts"[

The man looked up, Lancer had already run away, so he didn't see anything.

"I think you did it on purpose. If you don't teach me a lesson, you really think I'm easy to deceive, don't you?"

The man punched the speaker in the head.

"Hit him, hit him"

The people next to him helped, watching the huddled people, Lan Se and Yichu in the dark continued to search.

They knew very well what the cells were like before they came here. These places are dark except for darkness. Staying in this kind of place will slowly give birth to despair.

"Did you see it?"

He was talking nonsense, Yichu didn't even bother to give Lancer a blank look, if he could find it, how could he be empty-handed?Of course not.

"What should I do?"

If he couldn't bring anyone back, he was afraid that Feng Qining would hunt him down.

"Go back and look again. I saw that everyone here was injured. I guess he suffered a lot in it."

What he inquired was that he would be beaten to death if he didn't pay the money, and he was still alive if he was beaten to death so soon.

"Look at the people here, they are still so energetic even when they are injured, don't worry."

Looking at the huddled people, Lancer came to a decisive conclusion.

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