Just a small seventh-rank sesame official, he is still lawless!

"We don't seem to be playing anymore, do you want to play?"

Feng Qining looked at Murong Li, isn't there a gambling house?Isn't it nice that she won it over?

"Miss Feng, it's too bad"

Zhou Tong stopped her, so how could a girl like her go to the gambling house? [

"It doesn't matter, she can go if she wants to, anyway, I want to go too"

Murong Li looked at Feng Qining dotingly, he didn't realize at all that Feng Qining would become like this, she was completely spoiled by him, how could she be so willful in the past?

"You always let her like this, you will spoil her"

Yichu shook his head, if it was him, he wouldn't let her go.Fiction Rankings
"My pleasure"

Feng Qining looked at Yichu proudly, let's see, let's see, her husband-in-law is happy, so they have no objection now, right?

"Should I wear men's clothes or women's clothes?"

Feng Qining looked at the people beside her, and finally decided to wear men's clothes, because she seemed to have not worn men's clothes for a long time, and she should wear men's clothes when walking with them, so that she would get more admiring and less envious eyes.

"It's the first time I've heard of the county magistrate opening a gambling shop"

Zhang Kai said this thoughtfully, what he saw along the way was really surprising.

"What's wrong with the county magistrate's gambling shop? We've all seen the one opened by the young city master."

She also opened so many brothels secretly, what's the point?As long as he has the ability, he can open it, but he is not like him who cheats people, arresting so many people, he is not afraid that his gambling shop will lose business.

No matter what you do, you should leave a way out. A person always pushes others to a dead end, and one day he will be pushed to a dead end by others.

"Isn't it too eye-catching for us to go with such a group of people?"

They are like kicking the gymnasium, so mighty, what if no one is allowed to enter at the gate?

"What do you know? This is called pulling the wind, not to mention that there are so many people, it is very emboldening."

Feng Qining blinked at the woman who was looking over, seeing her eyes, the woman immediately lowered her head shyly.

"If you don't want to come, you can stay at home"

This person was always against him. Lin Sheng gave Lancer an angry look. He just reminded them that they seemed to be a bit eye-catching when dressed like this. Isn't that all right?Then he shut up. [

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, we'll be there soon"

Feng Qining looked at the casino in front of her, the name was so domineering: Tiandi Casino

There is a pair of couplets hanging on it, the upper couplet: You have to suppress the big and the small, the second couplet: you win as much as you win, you win as little as you can, and the horizontal comment: Tiandi Gambling Square.

Looking at the couplet, Feng Qining's body trembled a little, no wonder the gambling shop was full of business from the outside, it turned out that the couplet hurt people.

How many people will win, so how many people have been deceived, in these places, there are usually only losers but not winners.

"Hey, guest officers, it's your first time, come in quickly."

Not long after they stopped at the entrance of the gambling house, a few women in revealing clothes ran out from inside. This posture made Feng Qining and the others feel like they were going to a brothel.

"Am I dreaming?"

Smelling the fragrance of those women, Feng Qining sneezed.

"What kind of spice are you applying, why is it so bad?"

"Sir, what are you talking about?"

A woman flicked her handkerchief in displeasure.

Saying that they smell bad here is nothing more than saying on the street that a woman has body odor.

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