"Hurry up and call your boss out"

Zhou Qing's brows were full of displeasure, she looked a bit like Feng Qining's unreasonable look.
Finally a little malleable and unreasonable when dealing with these people.

"I, I'll go and ask for you"

Perhaps frightened by Zhou Qing's appearance, the little girl ran away in a hurry. [

Zhou Qing was depressed, she was just pretending, is she that fierce?Have it?

"The boss said, it's okay to ask him to come out, but it costs 1000 taels for a game."

The lion opened his mouth, Feng Qining and Murongli exchanged glances, other places only need 500 taels, but here it costs 1000 taels.

I don't know how long 1000 taels is enough for ordinary people to use.

"Sir, can I still afford this little money?"

Feng Qining took out a stack of banknotes from her bosom, and clapped her palms with the banknotes in front of him.

The people in the secret opened their eyes wide when they saw the banknote in Feng Qining's hand. How long has it been since they saw so much money?These people are fat sheep.

"Sir, this way please"

Money can turn ghosts around, she has enough money now, is it not easy to meet someone?

Several people were guessing whether it would be the magistrate who came out this time. Zhou Tong drew the appearance of the magistrate for Feng Qining and the others to see.

That fat head and big ears make people want to vomit.

It was rumored that his wife died suddenly after two years of marriage. Feng Qining felt that she might see that she often faced the pig-headed face of the county magistrate, and couldn't bear it, so she rolled her eyes and died. .

"My lord, please come in, our boss is inside"

Feng Qining pushed the door open, the light inside was very dim, and the people inside were sitting with their backs to them.

It's cool, his figure doesn't feel nondescript, looking at the fat that fills up the whole chair, Feng Qining feels her stomach churning.

It's not his fault for being ugly, but it's his fault for being disgusting!

"We're here, shouldn't you turn around? Your back doesn't look good either"

Zhou Qing grasped Feng Qining's hand tightly, she really didn't accrue virtue in her words, she hurt others like this before they met each other.

The magistrate of the county finally came here, and it was even more difficult to have a chance to play cool, and he never expected to meet such a person. [

Restraining his temper, the county magistrate turned around and looked at this group of men. The county magistrate's eyes shone with a different light. Seeing his eyes, Feng Qining felt goosebumps all over her body.

That look reminded Yichu of an event long ago, when there was a murderous look in his eyes, or he felt the murderous look, the county magistrate didn't dare to stare at them anymore.

"I don't know what is going on with me?"

"Are you the boss here?"

Feng Qining sized him up, her eyes were full of suspicion and disbelief.

"Of course we came to you to gamble, but looking at you like this, do you know how to gamble? I'm afraid you are an idiot in judging the case, and even more useless in gambling."

The magistrate pointed at Feng Qining with trembling fingers: "You, repeat what you just said."

"If you ask me to say it, I will say it, without looking at what you are, and, actually, I don't want to face you. Your appearance has broken through human imagination. The tragedy is that you haven't realized it yet, alas , how sad."

Feng Qining shook her head, her tone was full of regret but disgust, these two different expressions merged into one strangely on her face.

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