Lan Se said something sinister, listening to his words, the hand of the magistrate holding his neck became tighter, he didn't want to lose his life in such a way.
"Okay, I won't punish you, tell me quickly, what do you want?"

He just came here to have a look, how could he meet them?Where do these people come from?

"Didn't I tell you? We just want to have fun. I heard that your place is the best place to have fun. There are good ways to play. I don't know if it's true"

Feng Qining clapped the money in her hands, and shook her head while speaking: "You said, is it easy for me to have fun? I don't have much, but I have the most money. If I have a lot of money, it's easy to have no place to spend it." "[

Where does she have nowhere to spend?She can't wait to hide all the money and not spend it!

"You guys just want to play, tell me earlier, I will let my gambling king play with you, but if you lose, you have to count the money, this can't be reckless"

When it came to the question of money, the magistrate was confused again. He only had money in his eyes, and he couldn't accommodate other things.

Feng Qining looked at him with the eyes of an idiot, this person is really two, in his heart, is money and the like more important than his own life?He deserved to die.

"Of course, the money must belong to you, the county magistrate. I came here to burn money. The premise is that you have the ability to let me burn it."

Feng Qining shook the money in her hand again, Feng Qining sighed that the fake money is easy to use, it looks real on the surface, but the two sides are real, which is even more indistinguishable.

"It will definitely satisfy the son"

The magistrate of the county asked Xiao Er, who was lying on the ground early, to invite the gambling king, and Feng Qining sat down generously. The table was long, except that it was not as luxurious as that of modern wealthy people, and the length was not Not bad at all.

"This table is too long, I need it to be shorter, or I won't know if you're cheating"

Because of Feng Qining's words, the magistrate of the county changed the table. At this time, he realized a problem, money is important, and life is also important.

"What are you talking about, young master? I am innocent and fair, absolutely fair"

God didn't dare to say it was absolutely fair, but he opened his mouth like a lion. Feng Qining despised him from toes to hair.

"Not bad, I like fair ones best"

Feng Qining took the fan in Jing Sheng's hand, flaunting coquettishness, everyone rolled their eyes when they saw Feng Qining like that, this person completely forgot that she was still a woman now.

"There are so many sons, I don't know which one will come up first"

The county magistrate looked at several people, Feng Qining was the one who talked the most here, and the others seemed to accompany him, but they didn't look like followers.

In the eyes of the county magistrate, this group of people is weird, and it's none of his business whether they're weird enough or not, as long as they make money.

"Do you want to play?"

Feng Qining asked them with her eyes, and everyone shook their heads unanimously. They are not proficient in this area. If it is normal, they will play, but this is not a normal time. If they do not play well, Feng Qining will die immediately. them. [

"They don't play, I play, I challenge you alone"

Feng Qining fanned her fan, and answered coquettishly and domineeringly. Seeing him like this, the county magistrate stroked his not-so-long beard, with a greedy gleam in his eyes.

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