"You're quite confident. Even if we can't tear you apart, it's still okay to cause you some trouble. Just look at the embarrassing picture of entertainment.
They don't have anything else, but they still have this ability.

"Brother Yi, brother, no matter what you say, you are all my brothers, so you're okay with making trouble like this?"

Feng Qining looked at them with her hands on her hips. These two people said this in front of her, did they really think she was transparent?

"What is there to feel sorry for? Anyway, we are not good people." [

While talking, Zhang Kai pulled Feng Qining away from Murong Li's side, Murong Li was of course not happy, and hugged her tightly again.

"This is mine. If you like someone, find someone else to like you."

The childlike words made Feng Qining feel funny.

"Okay, don't say that some of these are gone, at most we will control them in the future."

Feng Qining didn't want to continue this kind of boring topic. Seeing Feng Qining surrounded by everyone like a princess, Zhou Qing's eyes were full of envy, and it was just envy. Not everyone can become Feng Qining. Qining, not everyone can have her luck, most people are just ordinary people.

She doesn't want much, she just needs to find someone who loves and treats her well.

"Miss Feng, can I ask you one more thing?"

Ask her for something?Feng Qining had a bad premonition: "You don't mean you want me to help you find your husband?"

"Yeah, the only one who can help me now is you, can you help me find him?"

Zhou Qing grabbed Feng Qining's hand, and Feng Qining looked at her in embarrassment: "I can help you with things nearby, but I can't help you with things far away."

If it's at her home, she can agree to such a thing, because she has people under her command. Here, besides the people around her, where else can she have people?

"But if you don't help me, no one can help me"

Zhou Qing's brows were all wrinkled, Feng Qi Ning is the only one who can help her now, if she can't help her, then who can help her?

"I'm really limited in this matter"

It's not that she doesn't want to help, but that she really can't help. She has no one in her hands, so she can't let the people around her go, can she?What if she finds her way back?

"Perhaps your son can help her"

Murong Li said something thoughtful, and upon hearing his words, Feng Qining looked at Zhang Kai, why did her son need to take action, couldn't this person do it?

"Ask my brother, if he is willing to help you, then you have picked it up"

Zhou Qing immediately looked at Zhang Kai expectantly. Would he be willing to help her?Willing? [

"I can help you, but I don't know if I can find it"

He can help her, but the result is not up to him to decide.

"Just help me, even if he dies, I still want to see the body"

Zhou Qing made up her mind and said that no matter the result is good or bad, she will accept it.

"Okay, but not so fast, you have to wait"

"Well, I'm willing to wait no matter how long"

Feng Qining rolled her eyes, these words sounded so ambiguous, people who didn't know would think they were swearing in each other.

"What are you talking about? You shouldn't be in a good mood, right?"

As soon as he came back, Lan Se heard Zhou Qing's words, and his eyes flashed with gossip.

"How many times have I said, a big man should not gossip like this"

Feng Qining patted him on the palm.

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