"Girl, do we know each other?"

Murong Li asked politely, his words really shocked the girl. www>

"You don't know me at all, you don't know me at all?"

There were tears in the woman's eyes, and Feng Qining looked at her with a funny face: "Girl, did you recognize the wrong person? This is my beauty, not your husband-in-law"

Murong Li said that if she hadn't done it, she would never have done it. She definitely believed him, but she didn't know who found this person. [

He even wanted to alienate their relationship.

"How could I admit my mistake? I still have his portrait here."

The woman took out a painting from the room, and when she saw the person in the portrait, Feng Qining's eyes widened. This, this really looks like it. If it wasn't for the different clothes, she really suspected that the person in the painting was Murong Li. .

"But you're wrong, it's not him here"

Feng Qining said with certainty that she knew very well whether it was Murong Li inside or not, not to mention that he didn't have that suit, but just saying that he was with her all this way, it was impossible for him to do bad things behind her back.

"How can you be sure? Why don't you think you stole him?"

This is too much to say!

"Did you admit the wrong person? We know, but you grabbed someone who looks like you and said yes."

Does he have such a popular face?Murong Li was depressed, his face was similar to someone else, whoever encountered this would probably be depressed.

"No one will admit him when I am wrong. Have you forgotten the vows you made at the beginning?"

A line of clear tears flowed down the woman's cheeks, Feng Qining looked at the woman's hurt expression, and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

"Who are you? Who sent you to drive a wedge between us, so tell me directly?"

She absolutely does not believe that her Li Meiren will betray her. If he can't believe it, who else in the world can be trusted?

"Hahaha, I'm alienating you, I tell you, don't be too happy, since he can abandon me, one day he will abandon you too"

The woman looked at Feng Qining viciously, her love rival was extremely jealous when she met her, Feng Qining somehow ran out of a love rival out of nowhere, but her purpose has always been, she will destroy all who dare to stand in her way.

"Girl, I really don't know you, you really recognize the wrong person, my wife is the only one from beginning to end"

Murong Li took Feng Qining by the hand, Feng Qining looked at him, she liked to hear this sentence.

"Is she your wife? Are you married?"

"He's married a long time ago, and it's our first time here, we've never been here before, so how does he know you?" [

Yichu also can't understand it, he is the one who sees how these two people walked all the way, they came here for business, they have never passed here before, how did he know her and have a relationship with her ?

Even if he wanted to find someone else, he wouldn't be looking for her. There are many women who want to climb into his bed, and she is not the only one behind.

"You mean I framed him?"

How can this be framed?Just open your eyes and talk nonsense.

"Forget it, we met a lunatic, let's go"

Lan Se said something sharper, and Feng Qining almost couldn't help breaking her skills.

"Son, I didn't expect you to become more and more powerful."

It was natural, and without looking at who his master was, Lancer raised his head triumphantly.

Feng Qining glanced at her, didn't intend to pay attention to her, grabbed Murong Li and turned around and wanted to leave, but when they turned around, the woman stood in front of them again.

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