Those who learn martial arts generally do not have good physical strength. They have been running around outside for a while, and this road is not difficult for Murong Li and the others.look
The more you go up, the more desolate it becomes. In the middle of the road, there are some places where there are no trees but only grass, or dry grass.

"Look at those"

Lan Se yelled as if he had discovered a new world. Feng Qining followed his gaze and saw that the grass not far from them was covered with shiny things.

It turned out that this was a small plain, halfway up the mountain, and I didn't know what those things were. Feng Qining took a closer look, and it didn't look like fireflies. Fireflies don't glow during the day, right? [

"I see that light twinkling like a star"

Lancer didn't say that, and everyone didn't realize it. He said that, and everyone realized that the light really shone like a star.

"Look, there is a big rock there"

Because the stone was covered by weeds, Jing Sheng's eyes were sharp, and he just spotted it. If he didn't find it, Feng Qining really thought it was just a clump of weeds.

"Open it and have a look"

Impulsive, Lin Sheng wanted to go and have a look. Yichu grabbed his hand and said, "You dare to touch these before you figure out what they are?"

He is not afraid of death, so he just touches it with his hands. If it is poisonous, he will definitely be poisoned to death.

"These things seem to be blocking the way"

Looking at the worms with no heads, Feng Qining suddenly felt a little hairy, because those worms were covered with hairs, and what she hated most was hairy things.

"Why don't you set them on fire"

Yi Chu came up with an idea, he knew how much Feng Qining hated these things, and according to her method, it would be more practical to burn these things.

"Brother Yi, your idea is really good"

Murong Li quickly grabbed her hand, these people were really naive, they set fire to this place, they are not afraid that the fire will burn them directly.

"Yeah, that doesn't work either"

Feng Qi Ning was annoyed, why was she so eager for quick success, there are so many trees here, and she doesn't know how powerful her fire is, it's good to just burn this place, if it doesn't burn, then they are the ones who are unlucky?

"Mother, can you control your fire?"

Can you still control it?What did he think she was?Is it the master of fire?Toy them with applause?

"It's the same if you can get water"

Feng Qining slapped him directly: "Shut up"

He came up with bad ideas all day long. If there was water here, his idea would be feasible, but after they walked for a long time, they didn't see any water at all, which fully showed that his idea was very unfeasible.

"If you can't walk, then take a rest. We can't finish walking such a high mountain in one day."

Murong Li seemed to be at ease with the situation. In his opinion, the road back was long and there was no rush. It was better to take it easy and take it slow.

"It's the only way to do it now"

Feng Qi Ning flew up to the tree, she held a bag of dry food in her hand, Murong Li sat beside her with water while eating, Feng Qi Ning shook her feet.

I don't know if she was too strong or what, the shoe came off her feet and flew straight towards Yichu. Yichu just took out the dry food, and before he had time to eat, he felt murderous.

He stretched out his hand to hold Feng Qining's shoe.

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