Lancer looked at the iron chain in his hand. This thing was like a shackle that trapped them firmly. They couldn't break free or get rid of it. Even if no one was looking at them, this thing had already firmly trapped them. Living.
"Is there anyone here who will break the chain"

Yichu looked around. In fact, he was just asking casually and didn't hold much hope. The people sitting here are all dignified people. Who would do such a thing?He thought he was crazy to ask such a thing.

"I will, it's just that I haven't done it for a long time, I don't know what's wrong with the technique"

Zhang Kai answered weakly, and Murong Li brought him up: "You already have that skill, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

There is still a chance to try this, what I am most afraid of is that there is no chance.

"I can't remember it for a while."

Zhang Kai touched, but there was nothing on his body: "No, I don't have anything on me, look for a small stick or something like that."

Everyone looked down, and Lancer quickly found one. Looking at the thick stick, Zhang Kai put it in the keyhole.

Everyone looked at him, those burning eyes made Zhang Kai feel a lot of pressure.

"Don't just stare at me, I don't know if it will work"

Zhang Kai's hand shook the keyhole a little tremblingly, and the slight movement made everyone hold their breath again.

The lock opened with a sound of "cracking". Everyone couldn't help cheering when they heard the sound.

"What are you doing?"

A crisp female voice sounded from behind the crowd. Hearing this voice, Murong Li turned around in disbelief, and Feng Qi Ning stood behind him with a real smile.


Murong Li called out tentatively, he must be dreaming, right?How could Feng Qining appear here?

"Li Meiren"

Feng Qining ran over, and the two looked at each other across a cage.

"Feng, it's great that you're fine."

Of course she's fine, that person won't do anything to her, maybe it's him who has something to do.

"Okay, Ning'er, as long as you're fine, let's find a way to get out quickly."

Yi Chu handed over to Zhang Kai, and Zhang Kai unfastened their bracelets and anklets respectively. Only then did Feng Qining notice that their hands and feet were wearing thick shackles.

"Li Meiren, did he treat you like this?"

Feng Qining was angry, what did he think of them?Is it a criminal?To trap them like this.

"Okay, don't be angry, I think he wants to kill us, I don't know what he is thinking about"

While unlocking it, Zhang Kai said that Feng Qining had a murderous look on her body.

If he dared to kill them all, she would die with him, and she wanted him to pay for his own life when he got nothing.

"Feng, you are not good"

Just as Feng Qining was about to help them open the cage, Jin Yun appeared behind her, seeing the shackles that Murongli and the others had untied, Feng Qining's eyes rolled.

"Didn't I come here by myself?"

Feng Qining turned around and looked at him, looking at Feng Qining's smiling face, Jin Yun felt that something was wrong, she had never treated herself so warmly, how could she be so abnormal now?

"Feng, it's useless for you to beg me like this"

Feng Qining left him at once, begging him was useless and she stopped begging.

"If you still want me to go back with you, don't touch a single hair of them."

Feng Qining stood in front of Murongli, seeing Feng Qining's appearance, Jin Yun smiled.

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