In this way, Murongli and Yichu waited on the tiger and leopard after it was given the medicine, and then began to bandage it.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

"Little cat, can you stand up?"

The tiger and leopard stood up after listening to Murong Li's words. In fact, it knew that it might not look good, but it could get better sooner, as long as it could get better sooner, it would try to save its master.

That person is too much, the master obviously doesn't love him anymore, yet he still wants to imprison the master, does he think he is the only one in this world who loves the master?

Nowadays, there are so many people who like the master, one more than him, and one less. Besides, the master is not like before, and only loves him. Today's master is more assertive than the previous master. [

If she doesn't love herself, she will never love, if she has hurt herself, she will never give others a second chance to hurt herself.

"It may hurt a little, you have to bear with it"

The tiger and leopard nodded, it had endured the pain just now, but it didn't believe it, this time it still hurts like before.

An animal is an animal, this thought is immature, it has forgotten that it still has fur all over its body, only to see Murong Li brushing away the fur on its body, accidentally touched its wound, the tiger and leopard were so painful that they almost wanted to bite people.

How can it be so painful?

"Be patient, don't move, the wound may open if you move"

Sure enough, the tiger and leopard dared not move again. If the wound opened, it would be the one that suffered the most.

After a lot of effort, Murongli and Yichu finally helped the tigers and leopards to be treated with medicine. They were relieved. It is a very challenging skill to administer medicine to animals. sit on the floor.

"Okay, kitty, you want to recover from your injuries"

The tiger and leopard crawled at his feet. In the past, Feng Qining always let her recognize Murong Li as her master, but she was always unwilling because she felt that this man was not worthy of her master. He had no ability. After the incident, Hubao was willing to recognize him as the male master.

No matter how good martial arts are, it is not as important as knowing medicine. Knowing medicine can save your life if you are injured. As for martial arts, there are mountains as high as mountains. No one is always number one.

Besides, Murong Li was so kind to it, and even healed it when Feng Qining was not around. If such a person is not worthy of being its male master, who else is worthy?

"I've been busy for most of the night, and I can finally calm down"

Murong Li wiped the sweat from his forehead, he looked up at the sky, wondering what Feng was doing at the moment, was she okay, did she miss him?

"Don't worry, we will be able to rescue Ning'er if we are together, didn't we agree to go home together?"

It doesn't matter if she doesn't go back this time, what matters is that she can be safe and sound, as long as she is with her, even if he stays in such a place for the rest of his life, he is willing.

"I just walked in a little bit, I didn't expect to be back to the same place now"

Murong Li sighed, originally thought that as long as she passed this pass, she could go back, but she didn't know that this pass was so difficult, and she didn't know when she would be able to go back.

"Let's rest, we'll figure it out tomorrow"[

Murong Li nodded, now it is impossible not to fight a protracted war.


Jin Yun felt a gaze watching him, he turned his head slightly and saw Feng Qining, he smiled slightly and didn't say anything.

Feng Qining thought for a while, then walked over with a smile on her face.

"Are you up?"

Is not this nonsensical?Can she stand here if she doesn't get up?

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