"I don't want to force you, but if Feng doesn't speak, how can I know what you think? Maybe you don't necessarily want to. Look
The devil is willing, are his eyes blind?Didn't he see that she didn't even want to talk to him?How can she be willing to do this?

"If Feng doesn't speak, then I will take it as your willingness."

Feng Qining didn't speak, but put her hands back, intertwined her hands, a ray of light appeared, she raised her hand, the light struck Jin Yun, Jin Yun let her go.

When she was playing the piano just now, in order to make the sound of the piano spread farther, she had already used her magic power, but now she used it again, Feng Qining was a little overwhelmed, she covered her chest, trying to calm down the a little messy breath. [

"Are you OK?"

Jin Yun wanted to get closer, but Feng Qining's eyes were filled with coldness.

"You don't need to pretend to care"

Whether she is good or bad has nothing to do with him. She can even say that her badness is all caused by him. In this case, why does he ask her if she is good or not?

"Stop making trouble, come, let me see your injury"

Jin Yun moved closer, Feng Qining backed away again.

"The wound on my body doesn't matter, what matters is the wound on my heart, please let me go"

Feng Qining looked out the window, now she was envious of the birds outside, they could fly freely in the sky, but she was locked up here.

"You don't have to think about it, it's impossible"

Jin Yun answered without thinking, he would never let go, he believed that she would give up slowly, and then stay by his side with peace of mind.

"Then we have nothing to say"

Feng Qining frowned, why did it seem to be getting worse?

Jin Yun came to her side in an instant, his big hands pinched her, and he hugged her tightly in his arms.

"Your injury is still not healed, don't move around"

Feng Qining turned her head aside, if not impossible, she would definitely kill him.

She gave up today, no matter what she said, he would not agree, now she should heal her injuries, and then find a way to escape.

"Feng, I advise you not to try to escape, otherwise the consequences will be very serious. If you disappear, I will definitely arrest those people for questioning."

Despicable, Feng Qining's eyes were filled with anger and coldness, "You'd better pray that you can lock me up for the rest of your life, or I will make you pay the price sooner or later."

"I don't care, it's a relief to die by your hands" [

Abnormal, Feng Qining doesn't talk to him, this person has long been no different from a pervert, and his emotions have long been distorted.

Jin Yun applied medicine to Feng Qining's wound, and the medicine was very comfortable to apply on the wound, and the wound that was still hot just now was fine this time.

"Can't we go back to the past?"

What a wonderful life it was before, she loved him so much more than herself.


He is no longer the Jin Yun she knew, how can he go back to the past?

"It doesn't matter if you don't go back, if you don't love me anymore, then I can love you"

Jin Yun's hand stroked Feng Qining's face, Feng Qining turned her face aside, his touch made her feel sick.

"I want to rest, you go away quickly"

Feng Qining's rude words didn't make Jin Yun unhappy, he rested his chin on his hand, and looked at her intently: "I'm not sleepy, you go to sleep, I'll stay by your bedside"

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