"Feng, you are so bad, you actually ran out by yourself again"

Feng Qi Ning was about to say something, but Murong Li replied first: "She is my wife, what's wrong with running back to my side?"

Murong Li held Feng Qining's hand tightly, fortunately, she came back, fortunately, she did not abandon him.
Perhaps sensing Murong Li's fear, Feng Qi Ning held his hand tightly, how could she leave him behind, everyone came together, if they were leaving, of course they were together.

"I was not good at first, you were the one who wanted to trap me there, and now you have another chance, do you think I won't run away?" [

She was unwilling to be trapped by him, so how could she stay there obediently?She's not stupid, she's had enough.

Murong Li tilted her head slightly, she was too happy to notice just now, but now she realized that Feng Qining's face was very pale, as if she was injured.

Murong Li quickly put his hand on her pulse, and the weak pulse made him startled.

She was indeed seriously injured and almost died. Her injury is not healed yet, why did she run out so recklessly?

How much perseverance did she rely on to get out?Is she not afraid of life or is she not afraid of death?

"Limei, don't worry, I'm fine, I won't die"

At this time, Feng Qining was still comforting Murong Li, and Murong Li suddenly pulled her into his arms, Feng Qi Ning was caught off guard by the sudden warm embrace, after a while, her face suddenly turned red. Li Meiren really didn't care about the occasion, there are so many people around now, how could he make such a move?

Looking at the two hugging each other, Jin Yun clenched his hands tightly, and a hostility appeared on his body.

"Feng, do you want me to catch you back or follow me obediently?"

She didn't choose either, Feng Qining left Murong Li's embrace: "I'm sorry, I don't choose either, I tell you, either you kill me, or you let me go"

With a big knife across her chest, Feng Qining decided to fight him. Who is afraid of anyone? Just as Jin Yun was about to make a move, there was a burst of pain in his chest.

During this time, because he spent most of his time on Feng Qining and ignored himself, he knew that he couldn't go on like this, otherwise he would never wake up.

"I want you to reunite with them for a while"

After finishing speaking, Jin Yun's figure disappeared, Feng Qining didn't expect him to disappear so quickly, her body shook, Murong Li quickly caught her.

Zhu Chiniao rushed down from above, and Murong Li quickly stood in front of Feng Qining.

"□□, your master is injured"

Zhu Chiniao stopped tossing and fell to the ground obediently. Lin Sheng learned how to behave now. He stood behind the crowd and stopped stealing the limelight.

"□□, go grab some more medicine"

Murong Li quickly opened a list, and then stuffed it into the mouth of the vermilion bird. The vermilion bird flapped its wings and flew away. This is a matter of the life and death of its master, so of course it cannot be neglected. [

Murong Li carried Feng Qining onto the boat.

"What happened? Wasn't it fine just now? Why are you hurt now?"

Yichu couldn't figure out what happened?Why did the good Feng Qining fall down.

"Yes, Murong, how is mother? Are you all right?"

Lan Se was also circling around Murong Li. Although Zhang Kai didn't speak, his eyes were full of worry.

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