"Is it uncomfortable? Why don't we go back?"

Murong Li was worried that Feng Qining's body would not be able to bear it, the lake was a bit cold, he had told her not to come down, but she wanted to come down anyway, Murong Li had no choice but to let her go. www>

Now that she has been soaked in the water for a long time, she probably can't bear it anymore.

"Did you feel something was wrong just now?"

Feng Qining pretended not to care and asked, her words made everyone's eyes full of vigilance, Feng Qining's words absolutely asked such things for no reason, there must be grace when things happen. [

Yichu looked around, but found nothing wrong.

"Ning'er, did you see something?"

Anxiety flashed in Feng Qining's eyes, is his injury healed?Is he ready to do it again?

"Go back and talk about it"

Murong Li nodded, this is indeed not a place to talk, let's go back first.

He picked up Feng Qining, and a group of people walked back. Behind them, Jin Yun's figure slowly appeared. He looked at Murong Li who was holding Feng Qining, and held her hands tightly, so tight that the backs of her hands were so tight. It was pale, and he still didn't know it.

How could it be possible for him to give up so easily, no matter what, he would never let go, absolutely not.

Back on the boat, Lancer immediately went to decoct the medicine, which was served soon.

"Mother, your medicine"

Wanting to take medicine again, Feng Qining frowned: "No, I don't want to take medicine, I'm fine, I'm already healed."

I don't know where I got those medicines. After drinking a little bit, my whole heart will be bitter. It's really terrible. She must never drink such bitter medicines again.

"Hey, don't make trouble, drink it quickly"

Murong Li took the medicine from Lan Se's hand, looking at the black medicine, Feng Qining frowned tightly.

"No, Li Meiren, you said that I'm fine, you don't need to drink that kind of medicine anymore"

"When did I say that you don't need to take medicine? Your body is just right, and you just went to soak in the lake. If you don't take some medicine now, you will catch a cold very easily."

Murong Li coaxed her like a child.

"Ning'er, stop making trouble, drink it obediently"

"Yeah, Feng, it's just a bowl of medicine, what's so difficult about it?"

What's the problem?Once they drink it, they will know what's wrong. The medicine almost killed her. If it's not a last resort, she will never drink it. [

"Does Feng want to drink by herself or do you want me to feed you?"

Murong Li put the medicine to her mouth, Feng Qining snatched it from him in horror, and then drank it in a few gulps, because she drank it too fast, she even choked on it.

"Slow down, what's the hurry? No one will fight with you"

What do you mean, she would rather someone snatch it from her, then she must give it to it without saying a word.

"Okay, let's do it"

A little willful, Feng Qining threw the bowl into Murong Li's hands, seeing her angry look, everyone was a little helpless, Feng Qining understood the truth in other things, but when it came to drinking medicine, she was special. persistent.

Until the last step, Murong Li will never compromise unless she shows her trump card.

No one quite understands why she is like this.

"Okay, it's good to eat"

Murong Li took out a candy like a magic trick, Feng Qining snorted, he slapped him like this and then gave him a candy, could she be coaxed with just one candy?

"If you don't want it, give it to me"

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