"What's the use of being beautiful? Haven't you heard of a beautiful woman?"

Feng Qining said disdainfully, she doesn't have to be beautiful, as long as she is not ugly, she can go out to meet people, she is too beautiful, there are many right and wrong.
"This dress is still the most suitable for you"

Seeing Feng Qining's unimpressed attitude towards his compliment, Jin Yun changed the subject again, but unfortunately, his ability to change the subject seems not very strong.

"According to what you say, this suit seems to have been worn by other women?"

"No, of course not, I mean, even if someone else wears it, they won't be able to wear your taste."

Feng Qining was noncommittal, she didn't care about Jin Yun's praise at all, she was hungry now and just wanted to find something to eat.

"Is Feng looking for something?"

Seeing Feng Qining looking around, and Jin Yun also looking around, is there any danger here?But no, he has already cleaned up here, not a single animal that hurt people.

"I'm hungry, of course I want to find something to eat"

She hadn't eaten for so long, she was already hungry, and he didn't realize it at all.

"Oh, I'm ready"

Jin Yun stretched out his hand, wanting to help her, but Feng Qi Ning avoided vigilantly, Jin Yun's eyes were hurt by her appearance of avoiding a jackal, and her originally radiant face dimmed.

The way he was hurt made Feng Qining feel quite uncomfortable for a while, but thinking about it again, he trapped her here and never took care of her feelings, so why should she bother with him?

"Feng, do you hate me that much?"

Jin Yun asked this question very carefully. Seeing his careful look, Feng Qining didn't want to hurt him, but he treated her like this, which made her heart not soften.

If she couldn't bear it a little bit, then he wouldn't let go, and the few of them would become more and more entangled in the future, and it would be far away in the end.

"Yes, I hate you very much, I wish you could disappear before my eyes"

Feng Qining's words really hurt Jin Yun, his face was full of pain, Feng Qining turned her face away, not to look at his expression, she is not the Holy Mother, she can't be full of tenderness to everyone, she only treats certain people Some people are affectionate, others, only indifference.

"You already have the answer in your heart, so why ask more? Even if you keep my people, you can't keep my heart"

Feng Qining's words pierced into Jin Yun's heart like a knife. It turned out that the pain last time was not the most painful, but now it is. The former he can still miss her, thinking of her coming back, he and her can be reunited , but he never thought that the reunion would be like this.

"I know I did something wrong before, why didn't you even give me a chance to make it up?"

Jin Yun's words aroused the hatred in Feng Qining's body, Feng Xiao revived, and she looked at him with hatred in her eyes, this time she was really Feng Xiao.

"Give you a chance, why don't you think about how I died? Jin Yun, let me tell you, my love for you was wiped out when I died, and it won't help if you force it. I said, if In my next life, I will never love you again”[

"Never Love You Again"

"Never Love You Again"


These words kept echoing in his mind, Jin Yun raised his head, and he looked at Feng Qining sadly, which could also be called Feng Xiao.

"Or you kill me, you kill me"

Feng Qining raised her hand, and when her hand touched his chest, she paused.

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