"But if it's delicious, you'll want to eat it, and you're too weak, you need to make up for it."

She is weak?Is she injured, okay? If not, how many people are her opponents.Fiction Rankings
Feng Qining took a sip of the Ganoderma lucidum soup, it was sweet but not greasy, it melted in her mouth.

Feng Qining finished her drink in a while, seeing her drinking so happily, Jin Yun also had a smile in her eyes.

"How? Are you okay?" [

Feng Qining nodded, "It's really good."

"Then do you want another bowl?"

Jin Yun asked cautiously, looking at his eyes, Feng Qining nodded involuntarily, and Jin Yun happily took the bowl.

Feng Qining took her hands off her cheeks, her white hair was scattered behind, her eyes were a little blurred, as if she was thinking about something important.

Such a superb man, to wash the soup for himself, he did no less than Li Meiren and the others, but she touched her heart, but it still didn't work, the resentment in her heart was too deep, and it couldn't be solved with one or two things of.

"What are you thinking about?"

Jin Yun saw that she frowned as soon as he came back, as if she was very uncomfortable, he was also a little nervous, maybe the injury recurred, but no, as long as she doesn't use force, she should be fine That's right.

"It's nothing, I think, if you make soup for me like this, will you be too wronged?"

He is a majestic prince, even if everyone thinks he is dead, but his dignified manner is still very inappropriate when he enters the kitchen, doesn't he?

"I'm not wronged, as long as I can do for you, I don't feel wronged"

Feng Qining shook the goosebumps on her body, what she hated the most was when people said nasty love words to her.

"You should be normal"

Jin Yun looked at her aggrieved, Feng Qining lowered her head and ate, completely turning a blind eye to his grievances.

After pretending for a while, Jin Yun couldn't pretend anymore, anyway, as Feng Qining said, those sad expressions really didn't suit him.

“It's so full”

Feng Qining sat on the chair and looked at her stomach. She felt like her stomach was going to burst. Looking at her, Jin Yun grabbed her.

"Let's go for a walk"

Feng Qining knew that she couldn't break free, so she didn't struggle anymore, she followed Jin Yun, walking unhurriedly, Jin Yun followed her footsteps, and walked together with her.

After passing the Maple Leaf Road, you will come to a large sea of ​​flowers, with colorful sights in your eyes, Feng Qining can't help but marvel. [

"so beautiful"

She stretched out her hand, a butterfly landed on her hand, Feng Qining looked at Jin Yun and smiled, Jin Yun's heartbeat stopped instantly, how long has it been since she smiled at herself?It seems to be a long time, so long that he has forgotten the time.

That white hair was incompatible with this color, Feng Qining looked at her hair, feeling a little sad, and could never go back again, with such a self, I don't know if others would regard her as a monster.

"You are beautiful, don't worry"

Feng Qining didn't say anything, she will see it slowly, it's just that the color of her hair has changed, as long as her heart doesn't change, it will be fine.

"Can I go?"

"Of course, you can do whatever you want"

Feng Qining opened her hands and stood in front of the sea of ​​flowers, she thought, it would be great if Li Mei was here, and it would be great if everyone was here.

She really wanted to ask Jin Yun what happened to Murong Li and the others, but she stopped talking.

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