"Wake up, hurry up and help me"

Jin Yun greeted Feng Qining, Feng Qining walked over, Jin Yun pointed to the oil on the ground, Feng Qining obediently picked it up.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"sprinkle it on top"

Feng Qining acted while answering, but unfortunately, she has always been an idiot when it comes to housework, she spilled too much oil, and the black bird burst into flames.

"burned up"[

Without any hassle, Feng Qining picked up a spoonful of water and splashed it, and then it went out. Looking at the bird emitting white smoke, Jin Yun was completely helpless.

Seeing Jin Yun's sad eyes, Feng Qining hurriedly apologized.

"Well, I didn't mean to"

She was just doing it smoothly, it really wasn't intentional, he wouldn't ask her to pay him back, would he?Where would she get this place where birds don't lay eggs?

"But we don't have dinner tonight"

no?Such a tragedy?Feng Qining swallowed her saliva, what Jin Yun was holding was not meat at all, it could only be regarded as a piece of black charcoal, Feng Qining couldn't imagine what it would look like when it was burned.

"Then what do we do now?"

She can't help but eat, right?Wouldn't that be starving her to death?

"Wait a minute"

Jin Yun threw that thing on the ground, and this time it seemed that he was going back to get it again.

Feng Qining looked at Jin Yun's defenseless back, narrowed her eyes, without thinking much, she took out the ribbon, and the ribbon wrapped around Jin Yun's waist like a dragon, and in the next second, Feng Qining was beside Jin Yun , the gleaming dagger was accurately inserted into Jin Yun's chest.

Jin Yun watched all this with his eyes wide open, his eyes filled with shock and disbelief.


He looked at Feng Qining mournfully, he never imagined that one day she would attack him.

In the past, she would rather die than shoot herself, how can she be willing now?How can you give up?

Doesn't her heart hurt at all?

"I'm sorry, thank you for what you did for me, but I don't love you, Feng Xiao is dead, I'm not her now, I'm going to find Li Meiren, so I'm sorry"

Feng Qining's figure disappeared in front of Jin Yun, and Jin Yun's eyes flashed murderous, Li Meiren, Li Meiren, she was always thinking of that person in her heart.

How is that person worthy of her?Since she doesn't want to be with him even if she dies, let's all die together. [

Feng Qining felt a light towards her, and before she understood what happened, she came to a dark place.

Before she had time to look around, a few people fell beside her.

Feng Qining took a closer look, and found that those people were none other than Murong Li and his gang.

"Li Meiren"

Feng Qining rushed over happily, she finally saw her glass beauty again


Murong Li yelled in disbelief, he was still making medicine just now, and he saw Feng Qi Ning in the next second, such a change was too fast, and his heart couldn't bear it for a while.

"Li Meiren"

Feng Qi Ning hugged him, Feng Qi Ning had many doubts in her heart, but now those doubts were washed away by joy.


Yichu also walked over, at first he suspected that Feng Qining was fake, but after smelling the familiar fragrance from her body, Yichu believed that this was real.

"Mother, what's going on? Why are we here again?"

"Yeah, why are we back here again? Feng, did you do something to Jin Yun?"

It was Zhang Kai who knew best, and Feng Qining told the story of her stabbing Jin Yun.

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