Zhang Kai really didn't know what to say. It was an unspeakable thing. He saw Feng Qining lying naked in the tub just now. He didn't know whether it was a ghost or something. When he walked over, she looked up. , smiling softly at him.Fiction Rankings
He couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north at that time, and then that Feng Qining shot at him, and finally he resisted, fought with her, she disappeared, and finally he fell here.

She hurt his foot, but he didn't expect the wound to be like this, it was a shame.

"Have we forgotten someone?"

Feng Qining looked around, and it seemed that there were still two people missing, but she only remembered one person just now. [

"Lin Sheng"

Where did that bastard come so soon?I'm afraid it will take a while.

"No, Jing Sheng, why hasn't he come yet?"

Feng Qining looked up, and she found that there was a thick fog above her head, but there was no fog when they were here. The thick fog seemed to divide this place into two spaces, and there was also fog around them. Those fogs seemed to be conscious, that is, Not near where they are.

After Feng Qining said this, everyone realized that they seemed to have forgotten about Jing Sheng.

What is Jingsheng doing?He was seeing Zhou Qing wearing a wedding gown, looking at him shyly.

"Qing, why are you here?"

Jing Sheng was surprised.

"I've been here, waiting for you to come back"

Zhou Qing's words touched Jing Sheng's heart. Her childhood sweetheart went out to find her. He didn't know whether it was life or death. He really wanted to stay by her side, but thinking of what she said to him before, he didn't have the courage .

Now that she actually said such things to him, how could he hold back?

A big man doesn't need to be so reserved, right? This beauty has thrown herself into her arms, and if he is still reserved, he has nothing left.


Jing Sheng rushed forward and hugged Zhou Qing, Zhou Qing hugged him tightly, smelling the smell of Zhou Qing's body, Jing Sheng's mind became even more confused.

Lin Sheng came back unharmed. Everyone opened their eyes wide as they watched him float down from above.

Why did they all fall, but he just floated down?

"Are you all here? I looked for you everywhere, but I couldn't find you. I thought you all went back."

As soon as he came down, Lin Sheng couldn't wait to say that everyone wanted to beat him after listening to his words.

Feng Qining: "If I remember correctly, it seems that you rushed in first?"

Lancer: "I also want to leave you and go back, but unfortunately there is no way out"

Yi Chu: "I rushed in so quickly, but I actually wanted to beat you up."

Murong Li: "I want to poison you to make you dumb, lest you stop screaming."

If he hadn't yelled, they wouldn't have rushed in. If he didn't rush in, maybe they would have taken the avenue of stars. Let's see what path he chose?

Zhang Kai: "Their opinion is mine"

Every time he reacted a little slower, everyone looked at him contemptuously, but he still looked calm, making ignorant people think how calm he was.

"I, I didn't do it on purpose. I saw a light in front of me, and then I walked in."

Is there a light?Where is the light here?It's almost murderous.

"Forget it, we've all come in, blaming others can't change anything, it's just that Jing Sheng hasn't come out yet"

Couldn't that person be fascinated?

"Hahaha, is it him you are looking for?"

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