Feng Qining looked at the passage ahead, and finally nodded, Murongli's medicine is good, but she still needs to rest, not to mention she is tired from watching them.Fiction Rankings
Sitting on the ground, Feng Qining closed her eyes, Murong Li and the others did not dare to breathe, they held their breath and looked at her.

A phoenix was faintly revealed between Feng Qining's brows, and just as Murong Li wanted to take a closer look, it disappeared again.

The white hair mischievously fell down, covering half of Feng Qining's face, Murong Li stared at her white hair intently.

He knew that Feng Qining was very concerned about the color of her hair, but after thinking about it, he couldn't find a prescription for treating gray hair. [

Just how desperate she was in her previous life. Before she died, her hair all turned white. After such a long time, her despair and resentment still haven't disappeared.

In the previous life, she looked back frequently, how much lovesickness, how much sorrow, finally turned into a trail of tears and sent her away...

In this life, he searched for the lost footprints of his previous life, traveled mountains and rivers, and walked into her eyes.

But his accomplishments trick people, in this life he can only stop in front of her, and she gave him the love of her life.

Murong Li wanted to stretch out his hand to stroke Feng Qining's white hair, but he was afraid of disturbing her, so he paused in mid-air.

His action made Zhang Kai misunderstand, and he dragged Murong Li aside.

"Murong, you don't think you dislike Feng, do you?"

If that's the case, he will take Feng Qining away. No matter when, she has him as her brother.

"Don't worry, you won't have a chance to take her away. Why do I dislike her? I just love her and hate that person at the same time."

Murong Li clenched her hands tightly, and a cold light flickered across her lips. The person who was originally as gentle as jade became chilling, like Shura.

"You don't mind her white hair being white for someone else?"

He thought he couldn't let go, but Feng Qining's white hair reminded him constantly that she had such a relationship before.

Murong Li looked at Feng Qining, her eyes were affectionate and unwavering.

"I think you're wrong, that's what Feng Xiao did for Jin Yun, Feng Xiao died a long time ago"

Now she is Feng Qining, not Feng Xiao, but Feng Qining who belongs to him, even if her white hair can't be darkened anymore, it doesn't matter.

"It's good if you can think like this. Feng's love in the previous life was too hard. I don't want her to go back. I hope you can take good care of her."

Zhang Kai patted Murong Li on the shoulder.

"You don't need to tell me this, I will naturally"

At this moment, Feng Qining opened her eyes, and what she saw were two pairs of four eyes. She settled down, and then covered the faces of Yichu and Lanse with her hands. [

"Brother Yi, son, what are you two doing?"

Don't they know that they can scare people like that?

"Nothing, the two of us are watching you"

Zhang Kai and Murong Li had something to say, they were naturally responsible for taking care of her, Zhu Chiniao saw Feng Qi Ning down, and flew into her arms.

Feng Qining hugged it, Yichu and Lanse looked at Zhu Chiniao jealously.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry"

Seeing that the two were still looking at her intently, Feng Qining had no choice but to speak.

"Ning'er, I thought you would say that we scared you."

Unexpectedly, what she said was such a sentence. Seeing Yichu's disappointed look, Feng Qining wondered if he was suffering from masochism.

"You are stupid, that's what mother is hiding"

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