The sudden lighting of the candle made everyone look around, but they didn't find anything. Jing Sheng's hand touched the wall inadvertently. When he took it back and looked again, his hand was already black.look
He yelled in surprise, and everyone was startled by him.

"Did something happen?"

Feng Qining looked around vigilantly, but saw nothing.

"It's okay, don't bark" [

Feng Qining said angrily, a big man, yelling in fear every now and then, they didn't feel ashamed.

"That's right, my heart is fragile and I can't stand your torture"

Lancer patted his chest and said, his cute appearance once again aroused everyone's contempt.

"Didn't Feng say that the cute ones should be dragged out and chopped up?"

Seeing that they were ignoring him again, Jing Sheng stretched out his hand in front of Feng Qining, looking at the things in Jing Sheng's hand, Feng Qining took two steps back in disgust.

"What is that in your hand? It's disgusting?"

She couldn't help but want to chop off his hand, knowing that bugs and the like were what she hated the most.

"I want to remind you that this wall is not clean, so be careful"

Feng Qi Ning hugged Murongli, she looked at the wall, didn't she, there was such a disgusting thing on it?

"Limei, do you have any poisons? Poison them to death?"

Feng Qining rubbed the goose bumps on her arms and body that were about to fall off.

As long as she thought of walking, a bug would fall on her head, and goose bumps would rise all over her body.

"But if I poison them to death, won't they fall down?"

right?Feng Qi Ning frowned, in that way, the idea she thought would not work.

"Don't worry about it so much, let's just walk over, didn't we meet it just now?"

Yichu gave Jing Sheng a reproachful look, knowing that Feng Qining couldn't stand such bugs the most, and he still wanted to scare her, what kind of heart was he so?

"Okay, that's all for now"

Feng Qining looked around, seeing her tangled appearance, Lan Se also found it funny: "Mother, you are not afraid of anything, are you afraid of a few bugs?"

She is not afraid of bugs, but she feels uncomfortable. As soon as she sees those hairless things, she feels uncomfortable all over her body and feels sick. She feels like bugs are biting her all over her body, which is extremely uncomfortable. [

"So what if you're afraid? Let's keep going"

Feng Qining tried her best to let herself go, she had to bear it if she didn't want to.

Soon, she arrived at the stone gate mentioned by Hubao. With the help of the weak light, Feng Qining saw that the stone gate was covered with bugs. The smell of burnt came.

The sharp-eyed Murong Li saw a vine under the door, and when the vine touched Feng Qining's fire, she shrank back, and Murong Li quietly kept an eye on it.

After burning for a while, Feng Qining withdrew her palm, and the bugs fell from the top of the stone gate. Looking at the bugs, Feng Qining wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"It's okay"

Murong Li asked with concern, Feng Qi Ning shook her head: "It's fine, don't worry."

She is not a rag doll, how can she be so fragile?

Looking at the somewhat dark wall, Lan Se stretched out his hand to push it, Feng Qining grabbed his hand: "Don't touch it yet, it's still warm, I'm afraid it will burn your hand"

It's so powerful, Lancer withdrew his hand, not daring to touch it again.

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