"Hey, brother, Feng has woken up, hello"

Mei Sha looked at the phone that was hung up, and there was a trace of anger in her big bright eyes. She hung up her phone before she finished speaking, it was really too much.
"What are you calling Big Brother for?"

Feng Sha casually poured herself a cup of tea, maybe she hadn't had tea for a long time, she felt her throat was dry.

"I was afraid that something would happen to you again, so I called him to call a doctor, but he hung up before I finished speaking" [

Meisha said angrily that it was too much to actually hang up on her phone.

Feng Sha originally wanted to tell her about himself, but seeing her like this, he still held back. If such an illusory thing hadn't been experienced by herself, she probably wouldn't believe it. Kill to believe it.

"By the way, after you've slept for so long, don't you really feel uncomfortable at all?"

Meisha is still worried, although she didn't give her a massage, but she hasn't moved for so long, doesn't she have any sequelae?

"Listen to what you mean, do you think I have some sequelae?"

Mei Sha smiled: "Of course not, I don't care about you."

care?Why didn't she hear the smell of concern?

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I just fell asleep"

Is this really a sleep?Can she see it like this?Feng Sha hooked his lips, wondering what happened to Li Meiren and the others.

His own death must have become a knot in their hearts, maybe they will never let go.

Looking at the sadness in Feng Sha's eyes, Mei Sha thought deeply.

When Feng was killed, Jin Yun's formation was broken, and Murong Li and the others returned to the small town in the remote country.

Holding her body, Murong Li and the others returned to the capital of the exile country. During the time when he disappeared, the ministers panicked, but with Zi and Feng Yu around, nothing major happened. some things.

Today, Zi and Feng Yu drank tea in the palace again.

"Where did Ning'er and Murong go? Why haven't they come back yet?"

Could it be that something happened to them?But even if something unexpected happened, the corpses should be seen, and now they seem to have disappeared out of thin air.

"No, I've already sent someone to check. There is no corpse at all, let alone they checked, didn't they?"

The "them" in Zikou naturally refers to Ruxue, Ruowu, her subordinates, who have been looking for her all this time, but there is no news.

"Hey, where did they go?" [

Feng Yu shook his head, he didn't dare to tell his family about the situation here, he could only say that it was very good, but how is the current situation better?Feng Han said he would come, if he came, wouldn't everything be hidden?

While Feng Yu was thinking about something, Yan Chen and Yan Yan hurried in from outside.


Seeing that they were stumbling and walking unsteadily, Feng Yu frowned: "What are you doing? Are you in such a panic?"

"Small, Miss and Li Huang are back"

Yan Chen gasped and said something, but before he finished speaking, Feng Yu was nowhere to be seen.

Yan Chen looked at Feng Yu's back, his body trembled slightly.

"Yan, pinch me to see if I'm dreaming?"

He could clearly see that the person was Murong Li, but there was another person in his arms, the person covered in blood, no, it couldn't be the young master.

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