
Lan Se suddenly turned around, and Jing Sheng came out from behind.Passionate picture feast
"It's you? You don't sleep in the middle of the night, why are you out for a stroll?"

Jing Sheng looked at Lan Se. After Feng Qining's death, he became more serious and seemed to be much older.

"Didn't His Royal Highness have a rest? The king sent a letter asking when His Royal Highness will go back" [

The things here were over, and it was time for him to leave. Lancer looked up at the sky, and in the sky, a bright star was shining.

My mother once said that people will turn into stars after death. Is that star she is looking at him?

"Let's go in two days, we'll leave in two days"

She was gone, and there was nothing worthy of his nostalgia here, and it didn't matter where she was.

Feng Qi broke through Jinyun's formation and Miluo came out. Now it is impossible to hide it. It is very important to do a good job in diplomacy.

It is better for the surrounding countries, and it is not good for Miluo or the other side.

He always kept in mind what Feng Qining said, if you can avoid fighting, you won't fight, but if others bully you, then you can't back down, even if the other party eats what belongs to you, you have to let him spit it out.

"The minister is going to prepare"

Lancer waved him away.

"Mother, will you watch me from above?"

The star flickered a few times, as if answering Lancer's words.

In the middle of the night, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, the moonlight shone on the desk through the window, Murong Li raised her head.

Under the alluring moon, he seemed to see a figure that was all over the country, but in the blink of an eye, she disappeared again.

Murong Li let out a long sigh, and he took out a white ribbon from his bosom. This was the ribbon on Feng Qining's wrist. Except for this ribbon, all she left him was full of memories.


Shouted softly, but couldn't say anything else, Murong Li stared intently at the white ribbon in her hand, the sadness revealed in her eyes was beyond words.

"Li Meiren"

Feng Sha sat up from the bed, and Mei Sha who was sleeping next to him also got up.

"What happened to you?"[

Meisha frowned and looked at her, since she woke up, she became very strange, but asked her what happened, she didn't say anything.

"No, nothing"

Feng Sha dodged, Mei Sha straightened her body, and made her face herself: "Look at me, tell me loudly, you're fine"

This dead woman, how long has she been with her, once she frowns, she knows that she is okay, and now she looks like she is out of her wits, she still dares to say that there is nothing wrong.

The phone rang at this moment, and Feng Sha threw it aside irritably, with no intention of answering the phone at all.

"Who called?"

Meisha took the phone, and when she saw the name on it, admiration appeared on her face: "Wow, you dare not answer the boss's phone call, you've gone to sleep now, and you're so courageous."

Feng Shou let it go: "What are you talking about, I'm not in the mood right now"

"You are not in the mood, I am in the mood"

Saying that, Mei Sha pressed the call button: "Hello, big brother"


An uncertain voice sounded over there, a low and gentle male voice came through the phone receiver.

"Yes, but the elder brother doesn't have enough face, the beauty doesn't answer the phone"

Meisha said coquettishly, looking at her like that, Fengsha couldn't bear it, so she took the phone.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Meisha gave her a contemptuous look, but she was right.

"Oh, it's really nothing, I just want to ask if you are free"

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