Feng Sha said casually, but Lin Xin looked at her seriously: "Feng, tell me, is there something on your mind?"

Feng Sha just spit out half of the water, and she looked at Lin Xin with an exaggerated expression: "Brother, what's on my mind? Look at my heartless appearance, do I seem to have something on my mind?"

"Brother, don't listen to her, she thinks she has something on her mind"

Fearing that the world will not be chaotic, Meisha came over, her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were like water, she was wearing a skirt with a deep v-neck, and she was very stylish.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"Look at you, it's cheap for those cheap men" [

Feng Sha's words made Lin Xin's complexion very strange, and he coughed: "Don't forget, I'm also a man."

"Brother, am I wrong? You are also a beast in clothes. You said how many girls you have harmed. If you count it, it is estimated that you can go around the city. People like you will be punished sooner or later. A girl will come out and hurt you"

Crackling, Feng Sha said a lot, Mei Sha and Lin Xin looked at her in surprise.

Meisha touched Fengsha's forehead with her hand: "It's okay, I don't have a fever."

"I'm fine, you just have a fever."

Feng Sha pushed her hand away, Mei Sha and Lin Xin looked at Feng Sha and came to the same conclusion: "You must have taken the wrong medicine."

In the past, Feng Sha would not say such things, she was silent, and she would never care about matters that did not concern her. As for the matter between him and Mei Sha, she had never said anything about it. Now she actually Having said so much, isn’t there a ghost?

"Tell me, what happened to you? It can stimulate you like this?"

Feng Sha still wanted to hide it, but Mei Sha took out a whip: "Will you tell me? If you don't, I will whip you"

Waiting for the big punishment, Lin Xin raised her eyebrows, and said this time if she didn't say anything.

"Then let's find a place, it can't be here."

Feng Sha sighed, just say it, anyway, they are not outsiders, it's just such an incredible thing, who will believe it?

The three chose a private room, and after ordering that no one should disturb them, two pairs of four eyes fixedly looked at Feng Sha.

Lin Xin: "Okay, there is no one here, you can talk now"

Charming Kill: "Speak freely"

"I don't know why, when did you become so gossipy?"

This woman deserves a beating, her eyes were full of fire: "Are we gossiping? We care about you. If we weren't afraid that you would be suffocated in our hearts, would we do this?"

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, can't I tell you?"

In this way, Feng Sha narrated what she had experienced, but she still talked about the general things, omitting a lot. [

After listening, Mei Sha and Lin Xin exchanged glances, and the surprise could not be concealed in those eyes.

"Brother, am I dreaming?"

Very mechanical, Mei Sha asked such a sentence.

"You have me in your dreams"

Lin Xin also told her bad jokes.

"I knew you wouldn't believe it. In fact, I was wondering if it was true during this period of time."

Feng Sha sat on the sofa a little weakly, if it wasn't true, why was the memory in her head so clear?

"Feng, don't you have spiritual skills? Try it?"

Feng Sha stretched out her hand, and there was nothing on it, her spiritual skills were gone, except for her memory, she seemed to have nothing left.

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