"The weather is so hot, I don't want to stay outside for a second, so I just walk a few steps faster, can't I?"

OK?He didn't say no, he just cared about him, is that wrong?Have it?

"Caring about me? Why can't I hear concern in your tone? There is teasing"

Feng Yu sat slumped on the chair. Last month, he went back to Mu Country. His parents were taken care of by his elder brother and third younger brother. Nothing happened, but they also missed Feng Qining, the one they held dearly in their hands. Daughter, I have died twice now. I thought I would be safe and sound, but I didn't expect it to be so short-lived.
Listening to what they said, Murong Li didn't say anything, just stood aside with a smile, seeing his paralyzed face, Feng Yu couldn't stand it. [

"Murong, don't stand there like a log, I see you haven't gone out for a long time, why don't we go out and have fun?"

Being bored in the palace all day, it's no wonder that it's not boring. In the past two years, he hasn't stepped out of the palace and stayed here all day.

"Where to go?"

Asking such a sentence casually like a machine, seeing him like this, Yi Chu and Feng Yu shook their heads.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Laughing is here to visit"

Coincidentally, Xiao Moran also came, and this time it was even more lively.

"What are you talking about? You seem to be very happy"

Are you happy?Where did he see that they were happy?

Seeing that none of them responded, Xiao Moran felt strange: "Why are you making that expression? Are you guys very unhappy?"

"No, we're thinking, where are we going to visit, don't you think we haven't been out for a long time?"

Feng Yu lay down on the table and pretended to be dead. Actually, he couldn't understand Murong Li's paralyzed face. He always had that expression for thousands of years. He would be annoying if he didn't.

"I go out every day"

Xiao Moran said something that made people want to beat him to death.

"I know you go out every day, but there is one person who has never gone out, you will die if you let it go"

Following Feng Yu's gaze, Xiao Moran suddenly realized that the focus of the conversation was not on him.

"I see, can you let go of your hand?"

He looked at the hand on his neck, Feng Yu quickly let go of him, seeing him like that, others thought he was going to molested him.

"How about we go horseback riding, riding in the woods, and the cool breeze, how pleasant it is"

Xiao Moran's words immediately attracted the approval of Feng Yu and Yi Chu: "Yes, this is a good idea, why don't you call Shang Yanchen and Yan Yun's group, so that it will be lively" [

Murong Li smiled all the time and didn't say a word. His attitude aroused the fury of everyone.

Feng Yu: "Murong, express your opinion whether you want to go or not, if you don't want to be with us, just say so"

Yichu: "That's right, now that you are the emperor, the emperor will not have too much contact with the ministers."

Xiao Moran: "I'm such a grassroots, how dare I be with the emperor?"

Hearing their sharp words, Murong Li had no choice but to say, "You all said that, so why don't I go? Wait, I'll go and change the dragon robe first."

That's it, everyone went horseback riding together, Ruoxue and Ruowu are not married yet, these two sisters have been running Feng Qining's brothel in the past few years, in their words, they see a lot of philandering men .

Those who don't care about it, and the people around them don't like them, so just procrastinate, maybe the fate hasn't arrived yet.

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