No woman wanted to be a concubine. If he had a wife, she would naturally not pester him.
"It's true that a dog can't spit out ivory"

Zong Zhenghao's words made Feng Yu look at him with dark eyes for a while, "You are the one who made us think, and now you are the one who is dissatisfied. You can do whatever you like, don't call me."

Feng Yu left with a wave of his sleeves, and Xiao Moran also stood up: "I think I'm more suitable for watching the excitement, you can make a fuss as you like."

"This matter seems to have nothing to do with me, right? Then I'm leaving" [

Yichu also left, and in a blink of an eye, there was no one left in the gazebo. Looking at their backs, Zong Zhenghao was furious, forget it, asking for help would be better than asking himself, and asking them for help would be better than helping himself.

In the evening, after Murong Li finished correcting the memorial, he wanted to walk around in the imperial garden. Unexpectedly, he saw a black shadow passing by on the rockery. Without thinking about it, Murong Li slapped it away.

The black shadow fell down, and Murong Li's sword was pressed against her throat in the next second: "Who is it?"

Yang Yue didn't expect that she had just come in, before she even started looking for someone, she was caught, and when she raised her eyes, the person in front of her was dressed in white clothes, and when she looked up, there was a handsome face prettier than jade.

She saw this man last time. She thought he was the son of some minister, but she didn't expect him to live in the palace. Could it be that he is the imperial guard?


The guards hurried over from the other side, wiping the cold sweat off his forehead as he ran, who is not afraid of death, doesn't he know that the emperor doesn't want to be disturbed by others when he is relaxing?

In the past two years, Murong Li has been silent a lot, and this method has also become more iron-blooded, saying what he says, unless Yichu and the others intercede in front of him, otherwise what other people say will not work.

No one dares to question the majesty of the king.


The guard knelt in front of Murong Li.

"Take her down"

Murong Li withdrew her sword, and never looked at Yang Yue from the beginning to the end. There was thick ice in his eyes, which couldn't be melted by any amount of sunlight.

"Hey, wait"

Murong Li's footsteps stopped.

"I'm not here to find you, I'm here to find my future husband"

Being caught like this, Yang Yue was very unwilling, but who made her martial arts inferior to others?

"Pull her down and put her in the prison, I will make a decision tomorrow"


The guards pulled Yang Yue down, no matter what she shouted, they ignored her.

Murong Li looked up at the sky, it turned out that more than two years had passed before she knew it, and she had been gone for more than two years.

"She came to find Zong Zhenghao"

Yichu came out from behind Murongli.

"You also like to stroll around in the middle of the night?"

Murong Li answered irrelevant questions, as if he would see him every time he came out.

"I can't sleep, you know it's hot and it's hard to fall asleep at night, so I came out to blow some air"

After finishing speaking, Yichu was stunned for a moment, because Feng Qining often said this, and she didn't want to sleep in the middle of the summer night, because it was too hot, and Murong Li liked to cling to her, because she was fragrant, and the temperature on her body Not too high.

"If Ning'er was here, she would definitely die from the heat again."

Murong Li smiled, but didn't speak, seeing him like this, Yichu sighed.

He still wanted to say something, but he swallowed the words in his mouth. Every one of them said a lot about persuasion, but none of them could persuade Murong Li to change his mind.

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