After eating, the two were walking on the road, and a piece of news caught Feng Sha's attention.
"This auction will be held in Vienna, which will attract wealthy businessmen from all over the world. The crown of the British royal family will be auctioned at the auction. The most attractive thing is a jade, which is said to be worn by ancient emperors, but no one Do you know which emperor wore it?"

"The jade pendant glows at night. As soon as this jade pendant came out, it attracted the attention of all antique collectors..."

Feng Sha couldn't hear what the host said later, she just looked at the jade pendant.

"Have you seen that jade pendant?"

Seeing Feng Sha staring at the jade pendant, Mei Sha also looked over, the jade pendant looked no different from the antique jade pendant she had seen before, but from what the host said, the jade pendant seemed to be unique.

"No, I feel a little familiar, Mei, let's go get that jade pendant back."

I don't know why, Feng Sha wanted that jade pendant, she had never wanted something so much, but she really wanted this jade pendant.

"Since you want it, fine"

Lin Xin was a little surprised to hear that the two were going to Vienna to participate in the auction.

"Did you take any mission? Going so far away?"

They don't go out casually. These two are housewives and misers at the same time. The money is only used for food and not for play.

"No, it was Feng who fell in love with a jade pendant there, and we plan to get it back"

take?Just say steal it.

"It's a matter of course. If we don't like it, we may return it."

Feng Sha explained.

"That's right, we're just going to see what the jade pendant that collectors all over the world are crazy about looks like. If it's not good, we will naturally return it."

Meisha helped, Lin Xin looked at the two of them, they were always inseparable.

"Go if you want, pay attention to safety, if you can't take it, don't force it"

Both Meisha and Fengsha were dissatisfied with Lin Xin's last sentence.

"Brother, are you looking down on us?"

If they can't get it, who else can get it?

"That's right, brother, don't look down on people, do you still want what happened last time to happen again?"

A demonic smile appeared on Meisha's mouth, and Lin Xin felt terrified: "Okay, aren't you going to leave? Why don't you hurry up and get ready?" [

"We're not in a hurry to leave. Brother must have picked up a lot of girls during this time, right?"

Mei Sha appeared on Lin Xin's left.

"Brother must have picked up a lot of good babies."

Feng Sha was caught on the right side of Lin Xin, seeing the two of them, Lin Xin surrendered: "Okay, you can definitely get the jade pendant back."

What kind of big brother is he, and he was threatened by them.

"Okay, big brother, we are getting ready to go, I will miss you"

Mei Sha blew a kiss to him, Lin Xin shook her head, this person, her signature moves will never be changed.

On the plane, Mei Sha and Feng Sha were dressed coolly, Mei Sha wore a narrow red skirt, showing her fiery figure completely, Feng Sha wore a white off-the-shoulder long dress, very fairy and pure.

There were men's eyes flying over from the side, and the two of them turned a blind eye.

After the plane landed, the two wandered around in the street, and at the same time, they also found out the information they needed. The jade pendant was hidden in the museum.

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