He carefully looked at the woman in front of him, with black and beautiful hair, lips as delicate and rosy as cherries, and flawless white skin.Passionate picture feast
"Xiaobai, have you seen enough?"

Feng Sha covered her mouth: "Although I know that I am still as beautiful as ever, you don't have to stare at others like this, and, for the sake of you and I living together and dying together, I am sorry for you just now. things don't matter"

"you you you…"

Feng Bai said "you" three times in a row but couldn't come up with a result. [

"I, me, me, in this world, besides me calling you Xiaobai, is there anyone else?"

Feng Sha tilted his head slightly, Feng Bai was extremely familiar with this movement, Feng Bai waved away the guards, and walked towards Feng Sha, the concubine quickly grabbed him: "Your Majesty, don't do it"

"Go away."

Feng Bai threw away the concubine, displeasure flashed in Meisha's eyes, what she hated most was the scumbag, but this is not her own territory, she tried her best to bear it.

"Get out."

Feng Bai waved his sleeves, and those guards hurriedly retreated to the side, he turned a blind eye to those beside him, and just looked straight at Feng Sha.

Feng Sha smiled and watched him walk over.

"Princess Feng Family?"

Feng Bai wrinkledly looked at Feng Sha, "Aren't you dead?"

"Can't a dead person be resurrected?"

Feng Sha's words frightened a large group of people, how can this person be resurrected after death?I'm afraid it's a ghost, right?

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

Feng Shou slapped Feng Bai with a slap, and the resounding slap echoed, and the onlookers gasped. How could this woman be so bold?Even the emperor dared to smoke.

"How? Do you feel pain?"

Can it not hurt?

"Woman, you dare to hit a widow?"

Feng Bai looked at Feng Sha angrily, and Feng Sha looked at him innocently: "It's because you don't know whether you are dreaming or reality, I just remind you."

Now Feng Bai has nothing to doubt, this must be Feng Qining, only that woman dares to slap her so boldly.

That woman, only she can't think of, there is nothing she dare not. [

"I knew you didn't die so easily."

Feng Bai looked at Feng Sha very happily, Feng Sha punched him: "You are not dead yet, how can I be willing to die?"

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, Mei Sha was surprised, it seems that she came to the place Feng Sha said, so she knew this person.

Those guards looked at their emperor in surprise, he couldn't have been beaten stupid, right?That woman obviously slapped him, but he still smiled at it?

"Should you let them go?"

Feng Sha was really not used to so many eyes looking at him.

"You go down"

Feng Bai gave the order, but none of them moved.

"The widow told you to go down, didn't you hear?"

"Your Majesty, stay here to protect the safety of the Emperor"

Feng Sha raised his eyebrows, "It seems that my existence will be bad for you."

Feng Bai looked at his guard with a cold look: "The widow told you to back down, didn't you hear?"

Feng Bai became angry, and the guards had to retreat. They didn't want to die, so could they not retreat?

"I should have found another place to talk about it. Wouldn't it be inconvenient here?"

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