After thinking about it, she might feel that what she said would hurt her. Murong Li said something behind her: "I don't know when you met me, and you must marry me, but I already have someone in my heart, and she can be loved by anyone. irreplaceable, so I will not marry you"

"Feng, let me tell you, he won't want you, you just want to come back"

This address made Murong Li's eyes shrink, and his body couldn't help but tremble a bit. Later, he thought it was impossible, she had died long ago, so how could this person be her?

"Alas, imperial sister, look, the widow has already told you that he will not marry you, why don't you marry the widow?"

Maybe because he thought it wasn't messy enough, Feng Bai also came out to join in.
Feng Qining felt that these two people were really a good match, if she didn't match them up, she would be really sorry for herself.

Feng Bai's words also terrified those ministers, didn't he call that woman the imperial sister?How could a younger sister marry an older brother?Is he planning to commit suicide?

Feng Qining glared at him fiercely.

"You said no, don't regret it"

Meisha helped Feng Qining to leave, Feng Qining gave her a look, it's already at this time, hasn't she had enough fun?

"Limei, you don't want me anymore?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Murong Li immediately stood up.

"who are you?"

He still couldn't believe it, Feng Qining was buried with his own hands, how could she be resurrected?

Feng Yu and Yi Chu also stood up, their lips trembling, but they couldn't say a word.

Feng Qining took off the veil on her face, that strange face made Feng Yu and Yi Chu look disappointed.

"You're not Ning'er, why are you pretending to be her?"

Yichu's eyes blinked, and his eyes became cold and stern, like the wind blowing on the ice field, stern and stern.

"Brother Yi, you are still so poor"

Feng Qining raised her hand, her sleeve slipped off, and a golden phoenix appeared in front of everyone.

The mark of the phoenix, Murong Li ran down, grabbed Feng Qining's hand, and with just one glance, he knew that this was true, and if it was false, he would never be able to hide it from his eyes.

"Phoenix Kill"

Feng Qining approached Murong Li, and whispered two words in his ear, Murong Li was surprised, and he stared at her blankly, as if someone had fixed her.

How afraid is he, how afraid that this is a dream?In the dream, he had seen her countless times, but after waking up, there was nothing left. [

"Li Meiren"

Feng Qining's hand dangled in front of his face, and Murong Li hugged her immediately.

"Come back, you are finally back, I know you will come back"

Feng Qining was suffocated by his embrace, but she didn't hum, feeling her fear, she bent her eyes and silently comforted him.

Yi Chu and Feng Yu also ran down.

"Murong, are you sure this is Ning'er?"

Looking at the unfamiliar face, Yichu still couldn't believe it.

"Brother Yi, you deserve a beating."

Feng Qining came out of Murongli's arms, she flicked her hand, a golden light appeared, looking at the golden light, Yi Chu opened her eyes wide.

"Brother Yi, when I was dying, I told you to marry a woman who loves you. Why didn't you obey me?"

As soon as these words came out, Yi Chu had no doubts anymore, this was the last sentence Feng Qining said to him, and he never told anyone else.


Just as Yi Chu wanted to hug Feng Qining, Murong Li hugged her tightly.

"she is mine"

Feng Yu watched from the side, he couldn't say a word, he was depressed, just when he was depressed, Feng Qining hugged him: "Second brother"

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