She is very valuable, how can she be as cheap as she said?

"But your man said that his medicine is also very valuable."

The exchange of the two would cancel out, and when he exchanged with her, she couldn't spoil Feng Qining. For this reason, Mei Sha was very depressed. How could she spoil this woman?Obviously she taught her badly.

Besides, without her teaching, she is already very bad.

"You mean to say that he equated me with his medicine?"[

There was vague anger in Feng Qining's eyes, damn Li Meiren, he deserves a beating, right?He even put her and his medicine together.

Mei Sha looked at Feng Qining like this, she thought in her heart, did she get into trouble?Will what she said will affect the relationship between Feng Qining and Murong Li.

"Master, are you not hungry?"

Seeing the two women completely putting them aside, Yan Yun couldn't help but make a sound.

"It's okay if you don't say it, I'm hungry if you say it"

Meisha also felt that she was hungry, and came to her early in the morning without eating anything, and now she has been talking to her here for so long, can she not be hungry?

A large group of people walked into the imperial garden and asked for snacks and breakfast to be brought up.

"Ruoxue, Ruowu, what are your plans?"

Feng Qining looked at them, they were already so old, shouldn't it be time for her to think about herself?

"Master, what are you talking about? We don't want to go anywhere, we just want to be by your side"

Feng Qining knocked them on the head: "Silly, even if you get married, you can stay by my side."

Not to ask them to leave.

"I said dead woman, what's the matter with you? How did you become a matchmaker? Is our singleness hindering you?"

She really told the truth, if they were single, she and Li Meiren would be making out with each other, and they would say they were in the way.

"Yes, young master, we just want to be happy anyway, so why do we have to do that?"

They think this is pretty good, maybe it’s because the fate hasn’t arrived yet, it’s not that they have to do something to be happy, it’s also a kind of happiness to be alone, not to mention that they are not alone, there are so many people Here it is.

"Well, anyway, this is your own choice"

Feng Qining also felt that she was busy, so who could say anything about the marriage?It's not like she can do whatever she wants.

"Don't go, try it" [

Voices came from the side, and everyone looked up, only to see Yang Yue chasing after Zong Zhenghao, holding a bowl in her hand.

"No, I've taken your wish, you'd better eat it yourself"

Zong Zhenghao ran while talking, as if there was a ghost chasing him behind him.

"What's the matter with him?"

Meisha was puzzled, this Zong Zhenghao didn't seem to like Yang Yue, and tried desperately to get rid of her, but he didn't throw her away.

If it was her, if she really hated someone, she would knock her unconscious and throw him out, or give him a warning to see if she dared to cling to her.

"Oh, it should be Yang Yue pestering Zong Zhenghao again."

Feng Qining said indifferently, good things always take a long time, and these two people may have to go through some special things to be together, otherwise how could Zong Zhenghao see the feelings in his heart clearly?

"Aren't they not in the palace? Why did they come in again today?"

As soon as Zong Zhenghao came, he heard what Yan Chen said, and he gave him a resentful look.

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