If she had used this patience elsewhere, she might have succeeded long ago.

"What do you like about me? Can't I change it?"

Zong Zhenghao's words made everyone's eyes turn to Yang Yue. She has said so much, but she needs to work hard to let him see her heart.

"I just like you, why don't you like me"

powerful!Everyone looked at Yang Yue with admiration, who said she was not scheming, who said she was simple?Listen to this, is it like something a simple girl said? [

Zong Zhenghao admitted that he was defeated by him in the end. What sin did he do to be entangled by such a woman? Did he not burn incense?

Just when Zong Zhenghao felt that his life was suffering, there was a loud roar from outside: "Message!"

noob?Feng Qining looked at Meisha jokingly, she was the one who was unlucky.

"Uh, Feng, I'll hide first, and when he finds you, tell him I'm not here."

Meisha also felt that she was unlucky, so she quickly stood up.

"Don't hurt me, he can guess that you are here"

Meisha looked at Feng Qining angrily, she didn't help her when she was in trouble, what kind of friend is this?

"Okay, you can hide quickly, but if he finds you later, don't blame me."

She might not be able to stop that person Feng Bai, besides, Meisha went too far this time, and even stunned him.

"As long as you don't give me away"

With a flash of her figure, Mei Sha disappeared in front of everyone, everyone admired her, her ability to escape was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Where is Meisha?"

Feng Bai stood angrily in front of Feng Qining, he glanced around but did not see the figure of Mei Sha, so he naturally asked Feng Qining.

No one here answered.

"I'm asking you guys to kill me?"

Feng Bai yelled again.

Feng Qining picked out her ears: "Don't shout so loudly, I'm not deaf, I can hear you"

Really, is it necessary to shout so loudly?

"That's right, my ears are almost deafened by you. If something goes wrong, can you afford it?" [

Murong Li naturally helped Feng Qining, his wife, how could he let others bully her.

"My ears are almost deaf because of your yelling. If something goes wrong, I will cut off your ears."

Yi Chu is always on Feng Qining's side, even if what she says is wrong, he will say it is right.

"Don't change the subject for the widow, where is that woman?"

Feng Bai clenched his fists, dead woman, don't be found by him, otherwise he will definitely not let her go.

"Which woman? There are only three of us here, not the one you are looking for"

Ruo Wu replied calmly.

"Even if there is, I won't tell you because of your attitude."

Did he think he was arrogant?She was also very arrogant, Ruoxue looked at him coolly.

Feng Bai took a deep breath, and he tried his best to bear it. Anyway, when he finds that woman, he will vent all his anger on her.

"May I ask if you have seen Meisha?"

This time she was much more gentle, Feng Qining smiled and shook her head gracefully: "I'm sorry, she really hasn't been here before."

Haven't been here?If that woman disappeared, how could she be so calm?

"Yeah, we didn't see that either"

Ruoxue and Ruowu also expressed their views.

"You haven't been here, have you?"

Feng Bai raised his sword and stabbed at Feng Qining.

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