Yan Chen, Yan Yun, Ruoxue, and Ruo Wu did not hit people or fall into the pigsty like Feng Bai and Zong Zhenghao.

They were hanging from a tree.

To be precise, they landed on a willow tree.

Yan Chen was at the bottom, Yan Yun hit him, then Ruoxue hit Yan Yun, and finally Ruo Wu, they were stacked on top of each other like an arhat.

Everyone couldn't figure out what was going on, Yan Chen felt that he was about to suffocate, and the three of them were piled on top of him, could he not feel the burden was heavy? [

"Come down quickly!"

Yan Chen waited for a long time, but he didn't feel how much they moved, so he finally couldn't help it.

Do these people think it's fun to stack them like this?They don't feel sorry for him at all. If this continues, his old life will be gone.


Ruoxue yelled softly, in fact, she completely understood Yan Chen's pain, even if Ruowu hit her on her body alone, she couldn't bear it.

"I, I can't move my leg with cramp"

Ruowu said this in a very low voice.

She didn't want to, but her feet really cramp at this time, who can blame it?

"When does your foot not cramp, but this time you cramp, did you do it on purpose?"

Yan Yun couldn't help cursing after a while, he wasn't as painful as Yan Chen, but there were still three people above him.

The weight of three people, is that child's play?

"I don't want to, but I really can't move this time. I can't roll down, right? Isn't that killing me?"

Ruowu's temper also came up, listened to him, as if she did it on purpose, heaven and earth testified, she really had a cramp in her leg, and now she is unable to move.

The place where they landed happened to be a road with a lake beside the road, so they landed on a willow tree by the lake.

When it first fell down, no one passed by, but after a while, finally there were people.

It's just that those people weren't ready to lend a helping hand, they were pointing and talking at them from below.

"What are they doing?"

Two men and two women, it's easy to pair them up, watching them like that, someone next to them keeps shaking their heads.

"Alas, it is a crime to do such a thing in broad daylight" [

what did they doRuowu was sad and angry, they were hanging on the tree and couldn't move, they couldn't do anything at all, what evil did they do.

"Yeah, yeah, forget about it, it's still on the tree"

There will be an interface soon.

"It doesn't matter if it's on a tree, they have to find a remote place, it's actually beside the road."

"Yes, yes, alas, the world is getting worse."


Hearing these words, Ruowu and the others froze for a moment, then thought for a while, and finally figured out what was going on. It turned out that those people misunderstood, they thought they were talking to Yan Chen, Yan Yun and the others...

Ruo Wu's face flushed with anger.

"You have misunderstood, we were put on it, and we can't get down for a while, can you help us?"

Ruowu Jiao Didi opened her mouth, seeing her behavior, those people shook their heads even more.

At first glance, she didn't look like a woman from a good family, but after hearing her voice, she was clearly seducing a man.

Some people were about to move but were held back by their wives. When they met their wives' threatening eyes, those men never dared to move again.

"Will you help me? I won't help those who kill you."

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