She stopped, looked at the woman who was waving a handkerchief in front of her, and looked at so many men around her, and she used her toes to figure out what was going on.

Without thinking too much, Meisha continued to walk forward, and she found that the brothels here are all similar, except that one family is special, because the person standing at the door is not a woman, but a man.

That man is none other than Yan Yun.

Seeing Yan Yun, Meisha knew that it was Feng Qining's brothel, and since it belonged to Feng Qining, she had it.

"Mei girl" [

Before Meisha got close, Yan Yun came up to meet her. In fact, he really wanted to pretend that he didn't know her, but he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to afford to walk around, so he bit the bullet and came up.

"Feng Ye is really, the beauties don't want a few more to stand at the door, but they want a man to stand here. I'm afraid they will only attract people who are as good as Long Yang."

Yan Yun's head started to smoke, and he knew that this woman had nothing good to say, and getting her to say something good might be as difficult as going to heaven.

"Dad, come on"

As soon as Meisha's voice fell, a man came out drunk. He hugged Yanyun without saying a word, Yanyun's forehead slipped down a black line, and there was a playful smile on Meisha's lips.

"How is it? I'm not wrong, I'm afraid these people are the ones you greeted."

There is still half a sentence of "beautiful killing" left behind, does he know what "father" means?Judging by their appearance, they must not know.

"Guest officer, you are drunk"

Yan Yun carefully took his hand away, but unexpectedly that person not only did not let go of him, but hugged him even tighter.

"Dad, I, I want you"


Meisha finally couldn't help laughing, and saw that she stuffed the two of them inside: "If you want him, go, I'll send you in."

Before Yan Yun could react, he was already inside the brothel. Just as Yan Chen came out of it, the three of them almost bumped into each other.

"Yun, what's the matter with you?"

Yan Chen looked at him strangely, he sent this person out just now, why did he send him back now?

"Message is outside"

Yan Yun said helplessly, he was forced by that woman.

"Then take him out the back door"

Yan Chen soon understood that this man was looking for a man, he was so drunk that he couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north, and kept calling for a man, he was in a brothel, where could there be a man?Women have it. [

"Well, which woman is outside, you go out"

Handing over Meisha to Yan Chen, Yan Yun was very relieved, and he had to rest assured if he was worried, anyway, he didn't want to touch that woman again.

As soon as Mei Sha stopped at the door, there were more people coming this way, but those men didn't come in, and stood at the door to watch her.

"Girl, you're new here, you look good."

A man stretched out his salty pig's hand, murderous look flashed in Meisha's eyes, but thinking that this was Feng Qining's place, she tried her best to endure it.

"Yeah, I'm new to my family, and it's my first time receiving guests tonight."

While talking, Meisha winked at them, and those charming eyes had already attracted the hearts of these men.

Yan Chen kept wiping off his cold sweat, this woman, does she know what she is doing, he doesn't think she will come out to pick up the guests, she has provoked so many men, how will it end then?

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