"Forget it, what are you going to do in the future? It will disappear once it comes here?"

How else could it be?It may appear again when she is in the mood, but it depends on when she is in the mood, maybe she will never be in the mood.

Look, look, she is such a person, Feng Qining rolled her eyes, this woman has always been like this, every time she throws the mess to her.

"Then what do you do with the trouble?"

What's wrong with her?It seems that nothing has been disturbed, Mei Sha looked at her very confused, she ended the curtain perfectly yesterday, the most perfect thing she did here was that thing. [

"Those people are still mumbling to find you, where can I find someone for them?"

It turned out to be this matter, Mei Sha sat down indifferently: "You can handle such a small matter by yourself, I completely trust you."

Look, look, I knew she would say this, Feng Qining rolled her eyes: "Why do you always leave me the tail of your hand?"

Is she her follower?Every time she can't handle things, she throws them to her. How can she have her sister?

"Who made you my dearest person?"

How could she be so unlucky?Know her?

"I'm not omnipotent, everything can be settled every time."

Feng Qining tried to arouse her sympathy, this woman, she doesn't know how to sympathize with her at all, she just needs to find her a husband and help her clean up the mess, she is also a human being, she will easily die of exhaustion if this continues of.

"But that's easy for you, isn't it?"

Feng Qining underestimated Meisha's hard-heartedness. Actually, Meisha thought very clearly. She found that every time something happened to her, Fengsha could solve it. After knowing her for so long, she really didn't realize that there was nothing wrong with her. Things can stump her.

She just wanted to try to find out what could stump her. Isn't it just to make trouble for her, but she can solve it beautifully every time.

"Trust me, you are an all-around woman."

Mei Sha patted her on the shoulder, and said in a very sure tone that Feng Qining wanted to strangle her to death.

"You really think highly of me. You think I'm a god. Even if I'm a god, there are things I can't do."

Meisha wrapped her arms around her neck: "But I really haven't found that there is nothing you can't do"

Feng Qining felt that she had forgotten one thing: "You forgot, I don't know how to cook"

"Yeah, I almost forgot, you're an idiot when it comes to cooking"

Meisha remembered that she had sworn that as long as it was cooked by Fengsha, she would not eat it even if killed.

"But apart from cooking, you are absolutely amazing in other aspects, well, I haven't eaten yet, I'll go find something to eat first" [

Letting go of Feng Qining, Mei Sha blew a kiss to her, and then left.

Feng Qining's eyes were filled with fire, and after a while, the fire slowly extinguished, leaving only helplessness.

She swears that the most unlucky thing in her life is to meet this dead woman, Meisha. You call her stupid, she is too shrewd, how can a stupid person know how to throw this mess to her?

But let's say she is smart, why is she always going out to cause trouble?

After thinking for a while, Feng Qining finally understood that she was deliberately causing trouble for her.

It seems that she wants to help Feng Bai, as long as Feng Bai entangles her, she will be unable to turn the world around.

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