"Isn't this what you taught, young master?"

Feng Qining wanted to vomit blood, she was just so wronged, she obviously learned it without a teacher, why did she rely on her?

Seeing Feng Qining's devastated face, Murong Li hurriedly waved to the two of them: "Okay, hurry up and get down."

Ruoxue and Ruowu disappeared in a flash.

"Unexpectedly, as soon as I came out, I would encounter a flower picker"[

She said this to say how unlucky she is, and her character is really bad, but when Murongli and Yichu heard it, the meaning was completely changed.

"I just said, you should stay in the palace well."

If she had stayed in the palace, then these things would not have happened.

Yi Chuhe and Murong Li: "Yes, you should stay in the palace well, and then be surrounded by maids and guards, so that they can protect you if something goes wrong."

They protect her?Is she the one who protects them?Besides, they also knew that she didn't like being surrounded by a lot of people, who were always the focus of attention wherever she went.

"Don't make trouble over there, I'll be bored in the palace all day, I'll get bored, besides, I'm not going shopping, I just feel hot in the palace, find a cooler place to stay"

Is this also wrong?Have it?If there is a fault, it is also the fault of the palace, the fault of the weather, who made it so hot here?She hates summer!

"Li Meiren, why don't you consider building a forest in the palace?"

Feng Qining looked at Murongli expectantly, if there was a forest inside, then she wouldn't have to run outside.

"Isn't there a grove in the palace?"

That small forest is just a few more trees, it is not cool at all, Feng Qining is depressed, it will be cool if there are more trees, what are those one or two trees?

"If you want to plant, you have to have a place"

The palace is either a palace or a rockery with flowers and plants. Where is there room for trees?

"The cold palace"

Feng Qining said without even thinking, what is the use of such a large area in the Lenggong Palace?

"Think about it, where there is no development, it is only used to grow barren grass, so why not put a forest there, it would be great."

Murong Li hesitated, there is indeed a large area there, but there is also a cold palace, this cold palace, the imperial palace is needed, no matter whether it is used or not, there is one, and this imperial palace without a cold palace is really unheard of.

"What? Seeing what you mean, you seem to be reluctant to part with that cold palace, don't you?"

Feng Qining narrowed her eyes, those eyes were full of danger, he was not willing to give up, but still planned to accept the concubine, and then put her in the cold palace, right? [

"No, of course I didn't mean that, it's just that it's too late to start planting trees now."

Murong Li was afraid that Feng Qining would do something impulsive, so she quickly changed her mind.

"It doesn't matter, you can enjoy the shade until next summer, anyway, the tree will grow up quickly"

What she said was really simple. The trees beside her had grown for at least ten years, and they were still small saplings in one year. Besides, after planting, it would take a lot of manpower to take care of them. Who would he ask to take care of them?

"Aren't there a lot of guards in the palace, just ask them to shower with a little water every day."

Murong Li didn't know what to say, and the guards didn't know if they had any complaints about it, they just had to patrol, but they actually had to water the trees.

"Forget it, if you don't want to, just pretend I didn't say it."

"It's not that I don't want to. If you want to do this, you have to discuss it carefully and see if it's feasible."

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