Murong Li took a step forward, the big man quickly got up, and he quickly slipped away. Seeing him like that, Murong Li snorted coldly, counting him as smart, otherwise don't blame him.

"Bitch, don't come back at night, or I'll beat you to death"

After walking away, the big man still uttered such a sentence, Feng Qining frowned.

"Auntie, is that your husband?"

If so, why did she marry him?Such a person might as well not marry, [


The aunt sighed, when will this day end.

"Why do you marry such a person? He will kill you sooner or later"

She is a human being, his wife, not his slave, how can she, a weak woman, bear such a big kick from him?

"Is there any way, I want to leave too, but can I escape?"

She escaped countless times, and was captured by him every time. If she was not captured once, he tortured her. She escaped many times, and she accepted her fate. Maybe her fate is like this. Enjoy the happiness in half of your life, and suffer in the second half of your life.

"Why not? If you can't live with him, then leave, and with such a beast, it's better to live alone."

In fact, she was even more curious, why did she marry him in the first place?Looking at her appearance, she doesn't look like a girl from a poor family. That person's family is so poor, has a bad temper, and treats her even worse. What is she greedy for?

"Oh, it's hard to say, anyway, I'm going to be beaten again this time when I go back."

The aunt bowed her head, thinking about how to spend the night.

"Guest officers, can you come in?"

Taking advantage of this gap, the shopkeeper came out quickly. They stood at the door of the inn, which affected his business, but these people were not ordinary people at first sight, so he couldn't offend them.

"Of course, shopkeeper, give us a good box."

The shopkeeper took them to a room, and as soon as they got there, Feng Qining grabbed the old lady's hand, and when the old lady didn't react, she lifted her sleeves.


The aunt cried out in surprise, there are so many men here, how could she lift up her sleeves like this?

Seeing the overlapping scars on her arms, Feng Qining's eyes narrowed.

"He did all of this?"

The aunt lowered her head, as if she had acquiesced. [

"Why did you marry him?"

Feng Qining finally couldn't help asking, although it was very impolite, but she still wanted to ask, what is it about that person being a woman?Is it a slave?

"At this time, it's all the words of the matchmaker at the order of the parents. Why are there so many reasons? There is nothing I can do if the parents agree."

Murong Li looked at her sympathetically.

"That's not how parents behave. They just push their daughters into the fire pit. Besides, they can't live without him. Why do they have to guard him?"

If you can't make money by guarding him, why does it have to be him?These three-legged toads are hard to find, but there are plenty of two-legged men, so why should he be the only one.

"You misunderstood me. I was caught and sold to him."

The woman lowered her head, her eyes were filled with tears. When she was young, she was playful and went out shopping. Unexpectedly, she was abducted by human traffickers and sold to that person at a low price.

From then on, her difficulties began, and she was reduced from a rich lady to a slave.

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