Feng Yu actually held the same point of view as Murong Li, Feng Qi stared at them, are these two stupid?Or was his head caught by the door?

"It's her choice, so don't talk too much, she wants it if she wants it, and doesn't want it if she doesn't want it"

Yichu said something fair, this choice is hers, no one can help her make the decision, it is her choice whatever she wants.

"Yeah, brother Yi is right, no matter what choice you make, no one will blame her"

Feng Qining understood Murong Li and Feng Yu's intentions. That child was a scar of hers. With him, she might never forget everything here, and she might live in pain forever. [

"I want."

The aunt smiled: "I may only have him as a child in this life, not to mention that child is really sensible, he is completely different from his father, just like what your mother said, no matter how bad he is, he is still my child, and he is also my child." A piece of meat that fell from my body, how could I abandon him?"

Feng Qining nodded, exactly as she expected, in fact, the ending was already doomed, at this moment, she was still thinking about her child, how could she abandon him?

"If that's the case, then we'll go and rescue him in a while."

It was just saving a child, there was no difficulty for her.

After discussing it, a group of people started to set off. The aunt lived in a small alley, and it was a dark and dark alley to walk in. Walking in such an alley, Feng Qining had a feeling of a dark wind blowing on her face.

She couldn't help hugging her arms, feeling her trembling, Murong Li's big hands wrapped around her: "Is it cold?"

"Isn't it cold? I just feel gloomy"

Such a place is really not for people to stay in. She would not dare to stay here for one night, let alone she still lives here every day. I really don't know how she can stay here.

“Unexpectedly, there is such a place in Beijing”

Feng Yu also frowned. He thought he had visited most places in the capital, but this was the first time he had seen such a place.

"Hehe, it's very secret here, it's normal if you don't know about it"

The aunt didn't find it strange. When she first arrived here, she never imagined that there was such a place in the world, just as she never felt how miserable the poor were before, but after experiencing everything now, she knew that the people outside The world is far more complicated than she imagined, and this place is just a small corner.

"Limei, do you know where this is?"

Feng Qining looked at the low houses around, it was completely different from the street, there were beggars all around, probably this is a place where beggars live.

"Here, it's a street of beggars, the dirtiest and messiest place in the capital is here."

He has governed many times, but these beggars cannot be cleaned up just by cleaning them up. This has been a difficult problem for places of all ages.

"Oh, no wonder it's so dirty and smelly"

Feng Qi Ning understood clearly, her eyes swept over the people hiding in the dark, if she read correctly, those are good hands and feet, if there are hands and feet that don't work, but want to be a beggar, then Isn't it idle? [

Feng Qining thinks that she has very little sympathy, for those who should not sympathize, all she has left is indifference.


The aunt looked at the dilapidated, crumbling thatched cottage in front of her.

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