Yan Chen and Yan Yun looked at each other, their eyes were full of helplessness, when did the young master become so stupid?She couldn't understand what they were talking about. Is this person the young master?

Of course Feng Qining knew what they were thinking, but she felt that they were really worried too much, so there was no need for that.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"Okay, I know what you want to say, but I'm afraid that he will make things difficult for me. Don't worry, he won't do anything to me."

Feng Qining still had a calm expression. In the past, Feng Qining let Zong Zhenghao bully her. Now Feng Qining, unless she is willing, no one can bully her.

She was only entrusted with this matter to be loyal to others. If she really wanted to count it, she could only count it as an accomplice. She was sorry for him, and she owed him. [

"Alright then, young master, take care of yourself"

Yan Yun looked at her worriedly, Feng Qining wanted to slap him on the head unbearably, Yan Yun quickly dodged.

"Forget you escape quickly"

Looking at Yan Yun's back, Feng Qining withdrew her hand.

"What are you going to do?"

Murong Li looked at Feng Qining, Yan Chen and Yan Yun mysteriously pulled her aside, they didn't know what they were muttering, they really didn't understand, everyone is a family, what else can they not let them know.

"It's nothing, just talking about that person"

Feng Qining looked at Zong Zhenghao who was drinking, seeing that his face was flushed, and he didn't know how much he had drunk.

"Will he die if he drinks like this?"

Murong Li frowned. Although he didn't like him, he didn't like him dying here either. When Zong Zhengxuan blamed him, he would have to spend a lot of effort to explain.

"Let's go and see"

Feng Qining walked towards him, but before she got close to him, she heard his roar: "Don't come over to anyone, or I won't be polite"

"Hey, you are still playing your temper, are you losing money or are you losing money?"

The girl doesn't want him to be responsible, no matter what, it's someone else who suffers, so what's wrong with him?

Hearing it was Feng Qining's voice, Zong Zhenghao staggered towards her, seeing him like that, Feng Qining frowned, what was he trying to do?If he killed her, he couldn't kill her like this?

"Ning, Ning'er"

Just as Zong Zhenghao said two words, his feet were empty, and he fell headfirst to the ground. Seeing him fall, Feng Qining and the others had no intention of extending a helping hand. Lie on the ground as well.

Feng Qining and the others looked at me and I at you, but they didn't intend to pull him.

"Coming" [

With a wave of Murong Li's hand, the guards appeared.

"Help the prince to his room"

The guard hurried forward to help Zong Zhenghao up, but after helping him up, he found that there was a big lump in front of his forehead, and it could be said that his entire forehead was red.

"Your Majesty, this?"

The guard looked at Zong Zhenghao's forehead and didn't know what to do for a moment. Is the emperor planning to ignore him?But he looks ugly like this, I don't know when it will be better.

"Don't worry about him, he won't die anyway"

The guard stopped saying anything immediately, and hurriedly supported Zong Zhenghao to leave.

After walking away, they were sure that Murong Li couldn't hear them, so they couldn't help talking.

"Tell me, where did the prince offend the emperor, so that the emperor didn't care about him?"

Murong Li was not so cold-blooded before, what happened today?

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