That brother Xin thought there was room for change, so he quickly expressed his determination. www>

"Yes, aunt, please let us go, we will never dare again next time"

The other person quickly agreed, he didn't want to die, he hadn't lived enough, how could he die?

"Why don't you ask me?"

Feng Qining looked at Wang Qi, everyone begged her, why didn't he make a sound? [

"Because I know that even if I beg you, you will not let me go. In this case, why should I ask?"

Feng Qining nodded, yes, he was the only one who could see clearly at this moment.

"You have killed so many innocent girls, let you go, what about so many innocent souls? Aren't you afraid that they will come back to find you?"

Feng Qining's voice became gloomy and cold, and the voice that seemed to come from the ground made the three of them feel extremely terrified. Following her words, the few of them couldn't help but look around themselves.

"Don't talk about those things, I tell you, if you don't let us go, then you will regret it"

Regret his uncle!Will she regret letting them go?

The corners of her lips curled up gracefully, Feng Qining raised her hand, and hit them hard with the whip again: "I tell you, I never know how to write the word regret."

A black line slid down Murong Li's forehead, has she been pretending to be a man for too long?At this time, such a title pops up from time to time?

That title doesn't suit her at all.

Those three people yelled again, Feng Qining frowned, flicked her fingertips, and those people couldn't make any sound.

"It's much cleaner now"

Throwing down the whip, Feng Qining came to the side of the group of girls.

Seeing Feng Qining approaching, they involuntarily shrank their bodies.

"It's all right now, you can go"

No one moved, Feng Qining thought they hadn't reacted yet, her voice raised: "It's all right now, you can go now"

Still no one left, Feng Qining shrugged: "It turns out that you don't want to leave, so forget it."

After her words fell, those girls realized that they were really free.

Hurray, regardless of Sanqi 21, they all ran away, only two sisters, Hua, did not leave. Seeing them like that, Feng Qi raised her eyebrows.

"Sister, please save us" [

Didn't she save them?What else do you want?Do you want her to feed them?

"Our father and mother died of illness, leaving me and my sister alone. The man told us that he would give us enough to eat, as long as we go with them, I, we will go with them, but I didn't expect to do that kind of thing "

"But now we have no place to go, sister, you can take us in."

The girl who spoke pulled her younger sister to kneel down, perhaps because she was afraid that Feng Qining would not agree, she hurriedly added later: "Sister wants us to be cows or horses, as long as we are full."

A very shrewd person, Feng Qining looked at the girl who spoke, but she was too shrewd, if she was kept by her side, it would be easy to breed tigers.

"It's not that easy for me to take you in"

Feng Qining thought for a while, there seemed to be less maids at Huamanlou, why not send them there.

"Sister wants us to do anything"

The little girl looked at Feng Qining trustingly, seeing her clear eyes, Feng Qining's heart twitched fiercely.

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