"Oh, you've been making out with Xiaobai all night, even if you go out, it's still a date. We're not going to be light bulbs, so of course we won't be with you."

She would make excuses, and Mei Sha would be even more angry. She went out on a date?When did she go out on a date?

"Don't mention that scumbag in front of me, let me tell you, it's impossible for me and him, it's impossible in this life"

Don't be so sure about it, but Feng Qining who has not woken up doesn't want to pay attention to her at all: "You can do whatever you want, I haven't woken up yet, so go wherever you want to cool off"

She was still sleeping, and she didn't even look at what time it was, she was still sleeping. [

"Get up for me"

Meisha tried her best to shake her, Feng Qining forced her to open her eyes, but those eyes were full of anger.

"what are you doing?"

She was so sleepy, didn't she know that the crime of disturbing people's rest was a great one?Too big to be forgiven.

"Of course I came to wake you up, don't sleep"

With a flip of Feng Qining's wrist, Mei Sha was dragged onto the bed by her, and Feng Qining immediately fell to the side: "Lie down on it for me, and wait until I wake up to talk about anything else, otherwise, I will stop you"

Meisha didn't dare to move anymore. This woman is very talkative at other times, but she can't do it when she is sleeping. It's just that she would get up at seven o'clock if she snoozes. Now it's past nine o'clock. I can't get up yet.

Seeing Feng Qining's tightly closed eyes, Mei Sha lay helplessly and bored on the bed.

What is she doing? She just kindly asked her to get up. It's really too much for her to treat her like this.

She slept until lunch time, at twelve o'clock, Feng Qining finally had enough sleep.

In fact, it wasn't enough sleep, she just felt hungry, and she was going to get up to eat.

"Mei, why are you here?"

Seeing Meisha, Feng Qining showed a look of surprise, seeing her confused look, Meisha had the urge to strangle her to death.

"Why am I here, not because of you, don't tell me, you forgot"

If she really dared to say that, she would strangle her to death. I don't know if it was Feng Qining who hadn't woken up or didn't see the charming expression, but she said without fear of death: "Who knows?"

"Don't you know that you can easily scare people like this?"

She slept with Murong Li, and when she woke up, she turned into a woman. Isn't this a scary thing?

"you you…"

Meisha pointed at her with trembling fingers, and finally couldn't help kicking her. [

Feng Qining grabbed her feet: "Look, look, you're still so rude, how can a novice like you like you?"

"Whether he likes me or not is none of my business, I don't like him anyway"

Mei Sha retracted her feet, she would never get any benefits from Feng Sha.

"Get out of my bed"

Feng Qining swept away, and Meisha was under the bed.

Meisha looked at her with contempt: "Damn woman, you are planning to abandon your friends now that you are here, right? Do you still remember who guarded you without eating or sleeping when you were sick? Who I went through life and death with you, and now I am still accompanying you to this unfamiliar place, it’s fine if you don’t take care of me, and you plan to sell me.”

Feng Qining looked at the pitiful Meisha with a look of unbearable expression.

Act, act, she is the best at acting.

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