He doesn't want to play with her anymore, and she doesn't want to play with him, the whole scumbag.

"But Xiaobai is really different to you, don't you think about it?"

Feng Qining's words made Mei Sha not take it seriously: "He treats every beautiful woman differently"

It's really not like this, Feng Qining opened her mouth, but she didn't say anything after all.

She didn't understand how this Feng Bai had become so stupid at this moment. You can't boil a woman like this with lukewarm water. Why don't you just scald her with boiling water and use strong methods to believe that she won't submit. [

"Okay, let's not talk about him. I'm free today. Shall we see what's interesting?"

What's the fun here?She thought it was modern, there were bars and nightclubs, but there was nothing here.

"By the way, where did Yang Yue go? Why didn't I see her?"

She originally wanted to go to her to ask about the result, but unexpectedly, she didn't even see a single person when she came here. Where did she go this early in the morning?

"Her, did she leave yesterday?"

gone?Mei Sha blinked, expressing that he did not understand, was it unsuccessful?No way, how could she not succeed in her elaborate plan?Will not.

"Did it fail?"

Be careful, Mei Sha asked, Feng Qining shook her head: "It's not a failure, it's because Zong Zhenghao never thought about marrying her, you know he found out about this and planned to kill her."

no?Mei Sha was surprised, at this time even if she killed her, it wouldn't solve the problem, no matter what, he would ruin her innocence, and then he accepted his fate, and in the end he should live a good life with her no matter what.

She is a big girl with yellow flowers, so she can't let him ruin it for nothing, can she?

"When it comes to this, people don't want it. What can I do?"

After Feng Qining washed her face, she went out, Mei Sha followed closely behind her, and did not speak for a while.

"Master, you're finally up."

As soon as she walked out, Yan Chen and Yan Yun came up to meet her. When they saw Mei Sha, they gave her a look of resentment.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I don't seem to have done anything to apologize to you recently, do I?"

Being stared at for no reason, Mei Sha is very depressed, she is provoking someone, she just came to see Feng Qi Ning, could it be that they are getting in the way?

"What are you doing? You are still pretending to be innocent. You made those things last time, and then you stopped coming, making all the guests ask us where you were?"

It's just a little thing, Mei Sha doesn't care: "Such a little thing, what's the matter, can you just say that I disappeared?"

Disappeared?Why is this excuse so ridiculous?Where can such a big person disappear? [

"Those customers brought out a lot of money just to meet you. Where do you want us to find someone? If we can't find anyone, those customers keep talking, and then they quarrel."

Yan Chen had a headache, these days, they found countless excuses, but those people still kept coming, they almost ran out of excuses.

"Master, this matter must be resolved as soon as possible. Those old customers have come to her. If it is not handled well, many customers may be lost because of it."

If it wasn't for worrying about this, they wouldn't have come to her in such a hurry.

"You can't handle this matter well, I really don't know why Feng raised you."

Yan Chen and Yan Yun almost wanted to beat her up at the words of killing her.

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