The cloud was calm, Feng Qining thought it was as simple as what to eat today.

"Young lady is so courageous"

Seeing her calm look, the man in black couldn't help but praise, Feng Qining raised her eyelids: "Don't you know that it's easy to put yourself at a disadvantage by praising your enemy like this?"

Is this person a novice or an idiot?Why don't you know such a simple truth?

"Hehe, Your Majesty is worthy of my praise, but I still want to say, if you kill me, they will die." [

Did she really not save them?

"If you die, you will die, they are not mine"

Feng Qining said indifferently, just at this time, Zong Zhenghao woke up, he slowly raised his head, his eyes were full of calm, looking at his eyes, Feng Qining's heart trembled, but only once After the meeting, she felt that there was nothing wrong, and she was right.

She really doesn't care about him. The person who cares about him is the one next to him, not her.

"Don't you want to know why I came to you?"

Just say what you want, why are there so many?Doesn't he know that it's tiring to always come and go for something like him?

"If you have something to say, just say it directly. Are you tired of beating around the bush like this?"

Not bad, bold enough, the man in black nodded.

Quietly, Feng Qining gave Mei Sha a look in the dark, Mei Sha nodded, she pressed the mechanism on her wrist, and a silver thread flew out from her wrist, that person didn't expect someone to attack behind her, his The veil was just torn off.

Realizing the danger, he turned around suddenly, his figure flashed, and he fell in front of Meisha, but she didn't hide. When he stretched out his hand, a ribbon blocked his movement, and then Meisha disappeared in front of him .

The man turned around, and Meisha and Fengsha stood together.

"Hey, Feng, your movements are still so fast"

Meisha is very happy, she and her will always have the most tacit understanding.

"That's natural. If you are unhappy, won't you die?"

Mei Sha nodded, she really needed to be faster.

"who are you?"

Really long-winded?Meisha also rolled her eyes, who is she, do you even need to ask?Of course it is an accomplice, if not for an accomplice, would she be here?

"Feng, don't talk to him, just kill him."

Mei Sha took out the dagger, after coming here, there was no gun, she could only use the dagger, but she could still deal with him. [

“What a big breath”

The man's voice hadn't finished yet, when the dagger of Meisha brushed past his face, and amidst the flickering cold light, he felt the approach of death.

The dagger turned around and returned to Meisha's hand.

"There are two facial hairs, really dirty"

Mei Sha frowned, that person's face turned black, seeing his dark face, Feng Qi Ning covered her mouth and smiled.

This is always the case for bewitching and killing. On the battlefield, you will kill your popularity first, and you are not afraid of others suddenly attacking.


Seeing that he was being teased, the man in black grabbed Yang Yue and Zong Zhenghao, he squeezed their throats tightly, Murong Li and Yi Chu came out from behind him, their figures flickered, Murong Li stopped in front of him, and then Kicking at him, Yichu grabbed Yang Yue and Zong Zhenghao from his hands.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, and before the man in black understood what happened, he was already lying on the ground.

Feng Qi looked at him condescendingly: "How is it? I've said it all, you will definitely die, right?"

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