She was thinking of meeting him when she had time, but she didn't expect him to come to her door now. Should she call him a fool?

"That's right, empress, how are you? Do you want to follow me?"

While speaking, the so-called young man with a jade face did not forget to wink at Feng Qining. www>

"Do you think I'm dead?"

Murong Li stood in front of Feng Qining, with bursts of coldness flickering on his lips. [

He dared to kidnap Feng Qining, how could he let him go?

"White mouse, where are you going?"

When there was a stalemate here, a shout suddenly came from the door, this familiar voice made Feng Qining turn around, and sure enough, an acquaintance appeared in front of her eyes again.

Feng Qining doesn't quite understand why she keeps meeting acquaintances recently.

"Jun Jianxie, I've already said that I'm not interested in you anymore, why do you still follow me?"

His words made Jun Jianxie's face turn black quickly: "Damn, do you think I've taken a fancy to you? I'm seeking justice for those girls who were killed by you."

justice?Young Master Yumian sneered: "There is no justice in this world, besides, they are willing and I didn't force them, so what's the justice?"

Everyone is willing, so it will be easy to get together later, so why bother to be entangled?He said at the beginning that he has no heart, he can't give them what they want, and they follow him self-righteously.

Being more self-righteous can capture his heart, but in the end he finds that he still can't change, can't change, who can be blamed for this?It can only be said that their technology is not enough.

"Jianxie, your temper still hasn't changed at all."

Looking at the angry Jun Jianxie, Feng Qining suddenly felt like she hadn't seen him for a long time. He was the first person she met here, and he was also her first friend, but she didn't know why he left later, and then I haven't seen each other until now, think about it, it's been a long, long time.

This familiar address made Jun Jianxie's body tense. This address made him think of a person, but that person is no longer there. He knows there are people here, but his attention has been on Mr. Yumian. body, and then ignore the surrounding things.

He turned his head and saw a familiar person. Most of the people next to him were familiar to him, except for two unfamiliar faces.

"Feng, this is your girlfriend again."

Mei Sha touched Feng Qining's arm, although this man was not as good-looking as Feng Bai, but there was something very upright about him, and it was his unusual temperament that made her interested.

Is he upright?She wanted to pollute him.

"What are you talking about? What is my friend? There is only one friend of mine, and that is Li Meiren."

Feng Qining's words finally calmed Murong Li who was about to be irritable, anyone who dared to snatch Feng Qining from him would be against him, and he would never let him go.

"you you…"[

Jun Jianxie pointed at her with trembling fingers, how could it be possible, didn't it mean that she was already dead?Why are you still standing here?But it's not right, the appearance and voice are wrong.

"Have you made it easy?"

If you don't believe in evil, Jun Jianxie reached out to touch her face, to see if she was wearing a human skin mask or something, Murong Li grabbed his hand: "What are you doing?"

"Is she disguised? It must be."

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