"What about what you promised me?"

Mei Sha's words made Feng Qining confused, as if she didn't know what she was talking about.

"What did I promise you?"

Why can't she remember?She doesn't seem to promise her anything, does she?

"Damn woman, if you dare to say what you forgot, don't blame me for strangling you to death."[

Meisha made a movement of pinching her neck, and Feng Qining immediately covered her neck with her hands. She thought about it carefully, and then suddenly realized: "Oh, I see, you mean that thing, right? My Isn’t there a premise, don’t you hear my premise?”

Feng Qining blinked innocently, seeing her like this, smoke started to rise from the top of Meisha's head, dead woman, really wanted to die.

"Hey, don't be impulsive, just talk if you have something to say."

Feng Qi Ning ran away, Murong Li's hand was a little away, and he stopped Meisha.

What he can't stand the most are people who bully Feng Qining, no matter who they are, as long as they bully her, they will have to pay the price.

"Murong Li, quickly untie my acupuncture point."

Meisha swears that she must find a good master and learn martial arts well. In such a place, it is really a disadvantage if she doesn't know martial arts. She is a good example.

"If I let you go, won't you bully Feng again?"

God, when did she bully her?Obviously she was the one who bullied her, okay?She sold it for her, so does she still count the money for her?

"Mei, I really want to help you with this matter, but I really can't do anything. I'll ask you to discuss it with Xiaobai to see if he can buy it back to me at your original price, but I guess it's impossible."

Feng Bai is not a person to talk to, Feng Qining reckons that he will definitely want to gain both money and money.

"Ahem, it's not impossible."

Feng Qining saw that Meisha rejected Feng Bai so much, and began to think of a way to help her.

"Your way?"

Meisha looked at her in disbelief, this woman, if it was before, she would definitely believe her 100%, but now it is greatly reduced.

"It's very simple, just find a big money to buy you."

Bad idea, Mei murderously looked at her with murderous eyes, she pretended not to say this idea.

“So busy early in the morning”

Feng Bai came in from the outside, looking at his radiant face, Feng Qining raised her eyebrows, looking at him, she was very happy, but it was true, this matter was so in line with his wishes, no wonder he was unhappy. [

"Help me untie the acupoints quickly"

Seeing Feng Bai, Meisha seemed to have seen a savior, looking at Meisha who was pinned down, and then at Feng Qining who was hiding behind Murongli, Feng Bai understood what happened without thinking too much.

"You are not good, you want to come here to bully people? Alas, how many times have I said this, except for the widow, who else can bear your hot temper?"

Feng Qining looked at the long-winded Feng Bai dumbfounded, this, is this the Feng Bai she knows?Why does it look so different?

"What are you talking about? If I tell you to untie it, you can untie it. How can a big man talk so much nonsense?"

Meisha doesn't quite understand, he is obviously a man, why is he more verbose than him?

"I finally know why they want to fix you, I think it's very good, I should punish you"

Damn, are these people seeing her as a bully?One by one to bully her?

"Please, please, I'll help you out"

Mei Sha glared at him.

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