Meisha said indifferently, looking at Feng Bai who was being tossed by her like that, Feng Qining looked at him with a little sympathy, how unlucky he is, to fall in love with such a woman.

If eyes can kill, Meisha might have lost all the pieces, as if she didn't feel Feng Bai's eyes, she fiddled with it on her own.

"Mei, don't you think his clothes don't look good as a door god?"

Feng Qining reminded Meisha that she swears that she really wanted to help Feng Bai, and she couldn't bear to see him being tossed by Feng Qining like that, but she didn't know that sometimes good intentions turn into bad things.

"Yeah, I forgot if you didn't tell me, what kind of clothes do you think the door god wears?" [

Meisha looked around, but didn't see any "good things" and couldn't think of any good way for a while.

"I do not know"

In Feng Bai's threatening eyes, Feng Qining shook her head, jokingly, help her, Feng Bai will chase after her.

"I see"

Meisha clapped her hands: "Do you still remember that the door gods are all wearing costumes, wait a minute, I'll help you find one."

Mei Sha patted Feng Bai's face, and then blew him a kiss.

"Hurry up and untie the widow's acupoints."

Feng Bai looked at the group of people who were watching the fun. These people showed sympathy on their faces, but they actually didn't know what kind of smile they were laughing behind their backs. They must be laughing at him in their hearts.

"Feng, the weather is fine today, let's go watch the sunrise"

Murong Li talked about him from left to right, of course Feng Qining knew why he was.

"Okay, I haven't watched the sunrise for a long time, and I miss it too, Brother Yi, Brother Yi, let's go together"

Unable to explain, Feng Qining dragged them away, leaving only Ruoxue, Ruowu, Yanchen and Yanyun in the room.

The four of them exchanged glances and immediately understood.

"I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

Ruowu was the first to slip away. The cool Ruoxue snorted and left. Yan Chen and Yan Yun left after talking calmly. There are so many people, no one cares about him, Feng Bai Angry, I really want to kill them.

When Feng Qining walked out, she saw Meisha was talking to Jun Jianxie, and the way they were talking and laughing made Feng Qining stare.


Feng Qining yelled, and Murong Li looked around, but she didn't find anything wrong.

"What's wrong? Has something happened?" [

It's fine now, nothing happened.

"No, Mei must have taken a fancy to Jun Jianxie"

Feng Qining has a bit of a headache. She must think that this charming killer is not chaotic enough, so she wants to add more chaos. Does she know what she is doing?

"Isn't it? She's taken a fancy to Jun Jianxie?"

Murong Li was surprised, how could that Jun Jianxie be ashamed?Anyway, he is just a prodigal son, his appearance is not as good as Feng Bai's, and his talent is even worse. Is that woman blind?I like Jun Jianxie, but I don't like Feng Bai.

"Mei hates fickle women, and Jun Jianxie has a sense of justice, which is what Mei Sha likes."

Feng Qining was embarrassed to say that that was exactly what Meisha wanted to destroy, and to put it bluntly, it would be like destroying weeds with ruthless hands.

"It turns out that she likes this, so Xiaobai is out of play?"

Yichu is also worried for Feng Bai, he won't be able to deal with that woman, right?

If he can't handle it, won't she stay here forever?

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