Jun Jianxie and Feng Bai who were fighting didn't pay attention, there was another person on the tree, wrong, that's not a person, but a leopard.

The tiger and leopard were sleeping on it, and it was still sleeping very happily, but suddenly there was a violent shaking, it thought there was an earthquake, but it didn't expect that Jun Jianxie and Feng Bai were fighting.

It carefully hid its figure, and tigers and leopards would not end well if they offended it, so it must teach them a lesson.

When both Jun Jianxie and Feng Bai were facing it, the tiger and leopard suddenly swooped down, and it stepped on Feng Bai's back, and Feng Bai rushed straight towards Jun Jianxie. Knowing what happened, I was suppressed by one person.

Feng Bai's mouth even touched his face, the speed of the tiger and leopard was trained by Feng Qining, it is not an ordinary speed, it is more than enough to crush these two people. [

Looking at the person pressed down by it, Tiger Leopard was very happy, it grinned, and its whole body lay on Worry Fengbai's body.


Feng Qining looked at the tiger and leopard, blinked her eyes, she looked up at the tree, a small tree really hides a lot of things.

The tiger and leopard looked up at Feng Qining, this person offended it, and it wanted to teach them a lesson, Feng Qining let it go.

After Feng Qining agreed, the tiger and leopard no longer had any scruples, only to see it lying on Feng Bai's body, with its mouth close to Feng Bai's head, and then began to bite Feng Bai's hair.

"Ah, you dead leopard, what are you doing? Come down quickly!"

Feng Bai didn't know why, but he couldn't use his internal force. Where did this dead leopard hold him down?Why can't he move?

After biting Fengbai's hair badly, Hubao finally kicked him away.

This scene made everyone dumbfounded, especially Zong Zhengxuan and his gang, where did this leopard come from?Why is it so bad?

After kicking Feng Bai away, the tiger and leopard started to pick up Jun Jianxie. Jun Jianxie shouted, but the tiger and leopard didn't care about him.

"Uh, do you want to go and have a look?"

Everyone looked at Feng Qining, and Feng Qining thought about it too, but her head was filthy, terribly dirty.

"You guys go, come back and tell me the result, if not, I won't go"

Feng Qining waved her hands, and when she turned to leave, she still didn't forget to help Mei Sha untie the acupoints.

After cleaning herself, Feng Qining also knew the result, the tiger and leopard threw Jun Jianxie into the pigsty, not in the middle of the pigsty, but where the pigs were fed.

Jun Jianxie drank a lot of hogwash.

When he came back, his complexion was yellow, and he was still shaky when he walked.

When he came back, Feng Qining and his group were having dinner, but Feng Bai was missing, his hair was bitten off by a tiger and leopard, he was really ugly, this time he didn't dare to come out to meet people.

Meisha was taken away by him naturally, Feng Qining shook her head seeing the two of them like that, after Meisha asked that sentence, she knew what she was worried about. [

I'm afraid she didn't feel it in her heart. Although Feng Bai often said to teach her a lesson, he never thought of teaching her a lesson, and always threatened her.

She is special to him, and she, why is she not, no man has ever been able to get close to her like that.

It's just his identity, that's an unavoidable question, what Feng Qining said is right, he is a piece of fat, many women covet him, she is afraid, she can't keep him.

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