"Mei girl"

The guards appeared in front of Meisha, these two were sent by Feng Qining to her, what she was afraid of was that if something happened to her, she didn't have to do everything by herself even if there were people around her. www>

At first I thought I would never use it, but I didn't expect it to be used today.

"Get her out of the house"


As soon as the two guards stepped forward, the person from the woman's side stopped in front of them. Looking at this scene, they looked at Meisha. There were so many people in the house, and there were only two of them, so they couldn't beat them.

"rest assured"

Mei Sha took out her dagger, looked at her dagger, and all those people backed away.

"Don't move, don't go, right? Then don't blame me"

Feng Qining, who was watching from above, sweated for her. What does this woman want to do?Judging by her posture, it seems that she is about to start a fight.

The dagger grazed the front guard, the speed was too fast for him to dodge, he just watched the guard pass by him, the breath of death was approaching, he closed his eyes, the expected pain did not come, he Opening his eyes, he found that the dagger had returned to Meisha's hand.

"Give you five seconds to get out of here, or I won't be polite"

They also wanted to leave, but the master didn't let them go, and the master didn't speak, how dare they go, those people glanced at the woman, how much they hoped that her next sentence would be to let them go, but obviously, they wanted too much up.

"What are you still doing there? Why don't you hurry up and arrest her? Hurry up"

The woman yelled at the top of her lungs, Mei Sha picked her ears, and looked at her with disgust on her face: "Why are you yelling so loudly? I'm not deaf, so I can hear you. You yell so loudly, my ears are so loud you're deaf"

Those guards just stood in the distance, they didn't dare to go forward at all, they knew the ability to joke and kill, that woman was not a kind person, she definitely had the ability to kill them all.

"It seems that you are determined not to leave, so don't blame me if that's the case."

The silver thread flew out from Meisha's sleeve, hooked the woman's belt, Meisha used all her strength, and in the blink of an eye of the woman, she got her to her side.

After catching the woman, Mei Sha turned her around, the woman bent down, and Mei Sha kicked her flying, the woman drew an arc in the air, and then fell to the tree.

Seeing this scene, those guards watched in horror, Mei Sha, this woman is very fierce and strong, she can kick people into trees with one kick.

The emperor won't really take a fancy to her, will he?Wouldn't they have a hard time?If you feel a little sorry for her, maybe she will kill them.

"Put me down, put me down quickly"

The woman was hung on the tree, yelling in fear, her eyes were tightly closed, she was frightened.

"It's okay to let you down, so you say you should go or not?" [

Meisha's words made the woman shut up. Seeing that she was silent, Meisha's silver thread shook the tree, and the tree immediately became crumbling. Now she dared not refuse: "I promise you, I promise you, I go now"

After getting a satisfactory answer, Meisha finally put her down. The woman was very fast, and soon sat in the car. Meisha stood at the door, smiling happily.

Seeing the smile on her face, the woman wished to punch it away.

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