
This time Feng Qining used too much strength, he fell to the ground at once, and the jade-faced young man was repeatedly pressed down by the young man.

He is depressed, what kind of bad luck is he, he was arrested for fun, not suppressed by him, if he continues to be suppressed like that, he is probably really dead.

"What, who?"

The young man looked around, but there was nothing, the surrounding was quiet, not even a ghost. [

"You have hallucinations, there is nothing around, you are pressing me on purpose, aren't you?"

Of course not, how could he do that, besides, he is a man, he only likes men, but what he likes are women, authentic women, who are only forced to do this business.

If he hadn't been caught, he probably wouldn't have fallen to this point, alas, it's all God's will.

"You still don't want to wake up, you slept happily on me, didn't you?"

The young man hurriedly got up, this time, he managed to stand up, but, a woman suddenly came from the sky, her clothes fluttering and landed in front of them.

This person is none other than Ruo Wu, seeing Ruo Wu, panic flashed in the eyes of Mr. Yumian, looking at him like that, Feng Qining raised her brows high.

Fear?He is actually afraid?Could it be that he really likes Ruowu?But no, isn't he playful?If you like Ruowu, isn't Ruowu really unlucky?

Many thoughts flashed through Feng Qining's mind, one of which was the most determined, that is, she would never allow Ruo Wu to like that kind of person, such a person deserves to die, so many women died in his hands.

How could she still let him live?

"Wu, why are you here?"

Seeing Ruo Wu, Mr. Yumian hurriedly tidied up his clothes. Ruo Wu looked at his stupid look and sneered, "What? Only you can come, so I can't come?"

"No, of course not, I didn't expect to see you in such a place, I just feel very happy"

happy, eh?But why didn't she feel his happiness?

"Didn't you say you only like me? Is your heart only for me? Then what's going on with him?"

Young Master Yumian opened his mouth, but he couldn't find an excuse for a while, he stomped anxiously: "Wu, this is a misunderstanding, listen to me."

Seriously, doesn't she know who he is?Did he think she would really like him?

"I don't want to hear from you, it doesn't matter who you are, I just tell you, don't think about me again, I don't like people like you"

"However, I didn't expect that you would even fuck a man. I don't know how dirty you are. Alas, tell me, can a person like you be able to fuck as long as he is alone? It doesn't matter whether he is Is it male or female?"

Ruo Wu's words made Mr. Yumian's expression not very good. In fact, he just wanted to have fun, and didn't really want to do anything. He was still very normal, but it was unexpected that Ruo Wu could see it. [

Mei Sha looked at Feng Qining, she really deserved to be the subordinate she taught, it was really different.

That's natural, Feng Qining looked at her arrogantly, the subordinates she taught, can this be the same?If it's the same, then she really doesn't have to mess around.

"Okay, I've finished what I have to say, then I'm leaving. By the way, I remind you, be careful, don't have too much fun, because it is easy to be sad when you are very happy."

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