Later, she felt that it was a bit too much, she looked at the medicine in her arms, and put it on again.

"What are you doing?"

Meisha wanted to reach out to take it, but Feng Qining patted it away, and Meisha looked at her unhappy: "What are you doing, if you don't want it, then I will take care of it"

She thinks beautifully.

"Isn't it enough for you to take so much? Anyway, his things are mine, why should I worry, put them here, okay, let's go quickly" [

A cheapskate, Meisha gave her a glaring look. She was obviously obsessed with sex. Once she has a husband, she doesn't want a partner. Alas, women are like this.

Meisha has forgotten that she is also a woman, so doesn't it mean that one day she will be obsessed with sex?

The two women got the medicine and wanted to rush to that place, but after a while, they felt something was wrong.

"Feng, haven't we had dinner yet?"

After Meisha said this, Feng Qining realized that she was hungry.

"Yeah, I forgot if you didn't tell me, let's go, let's find something to eat first"

This food, of course, is available in the Imperial Dining Room. When the two of them appeared in the Imperial Dining Room, one can imagine the sensation.

"Okay, you don't need to be too polite, I came here at this time to ask if there is anything else to eat"

Feng Qining's words frightened the cooks, Feng Qining didn't eat enough, which meant that if she was hungry, then Murong Li would kill them.

"I don't know what my mother wants to eat, let's make it right away"

Uh, is she that scary?Seeing their trembling appearances, Feng Qining was depressed, she thought she was keeping a low profile now, why were they still afraid?

"Don't bother, I just need to eat whatever I want. Is there anything else I can eat now?"

"No trouble, absolutely no trouble, just tell me what you want to eat."

Feng Qining wanted to say something else, but Mei Sha stopped her: "We want to eat roast chicken and goose, by the way, we also have some side dishes, hurry up!"

After giving the order, Mei Sha dragged Feng Qining away.

"Hey, we left after eating, why did you order so much?"

Isn't that a waste?

"Yo, you know it's a waste, you just want to eat a little casually, do you think they will really think you are casual? Don't you say they will make it bigger"

Feng Qining nodded, how could she forget?How could those people let her be casual. [

"Okay, let's sit down, the food will be served soon"

Sure enough, Meisha had a good idea, and the dishes came out soon. After the two had eaten and drank enough, they were about to set off, but Yan Chen and Yan Yun suddenly appeared in front of them.


The two looked at them with a pitiful attitude, and Feng Qining felt hairy when she looked at their eyes.

"What are you doing? What are you talking about?"

She was still pretending to be innocent, still pretending to be innocent.

"Master, we haven't eaten yet"

Uh, eat before they eat, they look like she doesn't give them food.

Mei Sha stopped talking to them, picked up two chicken legs and stuffed them directly into their mouths, Yan Chen and Yan Yun glared at her.

Why is this woman everywhere?Did she know that she was really annoying.

"Okay, I've eaten some, Feng, let's go"

They still have business to do, how can they have time to accompany them?

As soon as Feng Qining stood up, Yan Chen and Yan Yun stopped in front of her.

"Okay, just follow if you want to follow"

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